Cocaine Possession Laws: What Do You Think of the Results for Prince William Co’s First Month Under “Rule of Law”?
Question by Lori K: What do you think of the results for Prince William Co’s first month under “rule of law”?
As of April 1st, 2008 the county’s participation in the Section 287(g) Program since July of 2007 has allowed the screening of 1,200 inmates, and the issuance of 632 immigration detainers for illegal alien criminals who have been convicted of a wide variery of serious offenses including murder, child abuse, rape, criminal gang participation and manslaughter. The enforcement efforts of the Prince William County Police Department yielded 41 arrests in the first month of that program, for offenses ranging from absconding from a deportation order, attempted murder, grand larceny, felony hit-and-run, assault, and driving without a license.
The breakdown of these arrests during the first month of enforcement of the Rule of Law Resolution are as follows:
Existing Federal Charges
* Immigration warrant 1
* Re-entering the country illegally 1
Local Charges
* Attempted murder 1
* Cocaine Possession 1
* Grand larceny 2
* Hit and run Felony 1
* Shoplifting 2
* Drunk in public 9
* Domestic Assault 3
* DUI 8
* False Identification 2
* No driver’s license 5
* Petty Larceny 1
* Possession of Marijuana 1
* Resisting arrest 1
* Sexual Abuse 1
* Shoplifting 1
In addition to the identification of illegal aliens and crackdown on illegal alien criminal behavior, other significant public benefits have been observed. These include the following:
* Prince William County Schools reported a mid-year drop in ESOL enrollments that saves county taxpayers at least $ 6 million annually. All jurisdictions surrounding Prince William County, including those that have seen a steady decline in student enrollments, are reporting significant increases in ESOL enrollments.
* The Town of Dumfries has reported that complaints of residential overcrowding have gone from over 80 annually to zero.
* Prince William Hospital has indicated that the number of requests for prenatal care for the indigent has gone from over fifty a month to five.
* The appearance of graffiti attributed to criminal gangs such as MS-13, Surenos-13 and the “South Side Locos” has dramatically reduced.
* Residential overcrowding in several neighborhoods in the Manassas area has abated significantly since enforcement of the Rule of Law Resolution began.
The Rule of Law Resolution is yielding significant positive benefits for county taxpayers, the quality of life in our communities, and the safety and security of our families.
To clarify, the law went into effect 1/1/08 but was only fully implemented in March.
There’s some debate going on as to whether or not the program really HAS been scaled back. The old wording said police could do a status check on anyone stopped or arrested. The “scaled back version” requires a status check on all arrests and leaves any additional status checks up to the judgment of the police officer. I think this will go up and down depending on how crowded the jails currently are. So far, it’s been a financial gain for the county…in educational fees alone, the country is saving $ 6 million a month. The expense of the program is just over $ 4.5 million a month. That’s a net profit.
Best answer:
Answer by deport_illegalshit
Good for them!! And did you notice how many of these INCLUDED the use of alcohol?? “drunk in public” and “DUI”!!! WONDER so many of our citizens are being murdered by these drunk ILLEGALS!!
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I think the results are tremendous ,unfortunately the program has to be scaled down due to lack of funding.
Now if we can get more counties to join in the effort …
your info is flawed and the county has just rescinded the order