Greenfield Man Arrested in Springfield Heroin Raid – the Recorder

Greenfield man arrested in Springfield heroin raid – The Recorder

Greenfield man arrested in Springfield heroin raid
The Recorder
In November 2013, state troopers in Greenfield arrested Andrew Phillips, 36, of Naples, Fla., on charges including possession of heroin with intent to distribute and possession of cocaine with intent to distribute. That arrest also involved a rental

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Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News


Pittsfield Police log for Tuesday, Jan. 21 – Berkshire Eagle

Pittsfield Police log for Tuesday, Jan. 21
Berkshire Eagle
Brown is charged with possession of cocaine with the intent to distribute, subsequent offense; possession of a Class A substance with the intent to distribute, subsequent offense; and conspiracy to violate drug laws. n 2:48 p.m.: Police arrest George J

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Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News


Woman and beau bowl, then bicker – Palm Beach Post

Woman and beau bowl, then bicker
Palm Beach Post
A motorist stopped for a traffic violation in the 200 block of North 25th Street was found to be in possession of crack cocaine and drug paraphernalia. The motorist was arrested. FOUND PROPERTY. A bag of marijuana was found at a business in the 3600 

Cocaine Possession Laws – Google News


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