Can You Get Financial Aid With a Drug Felony?

Question by Rene: can you get financial aid with a drug felony?
I was convicted of a drug felony, but since then have completed a rehabilitation program and also active in Narcotics Anonymous as well as helping other addicts. Do i no longer qualify for financial aid?

Best answer:

Answer by bmoviebimbo
i haven’t applied for financial aid in ages, but i don’t remember a background check being part of it.


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One Response to “Can You Get Financial Aid With a Drug Felony?”

  • NotAnyoneYouKnow:


    The ONLY bar to qualifying for Federal Student Aid is if the actual offenses occurred during a period when you were collecting financial aid. Otherwise, you can have drug convictions on your record.

    In fact, the fact that you have completed rehabilitation for your prior offenses would probably even make you eligible if you HAD been arrested while receiving aid.

    Keep in mind that the underlying premise is that the federal government would rather see you get a good education then commit more crimes. If they make it difficult for people to get through school, they’re not doing society any favors.

    Of course, they don’t like to think – “oh, we just gave her all this money and she’s out there breaking the law”, so they say “well, if you’re committing drug crimes while you’re using our money, we’re going to cut you off”.

    But, no – prior drug convictions will not bar you from receiving aid. In fact, the question on the FAFSA specifically asks:

    “Have you been convicted for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving federal student aid (such as grants, loans or work-study)?”

    I hope that helps – good luck!