Court Date?

Question by GodsMessenger: court date?
well i am being charged with dwi and possession of a controlled substance, the thing is that the police officer didn’t even take me a drug or breathing test so i dunno whats going on, can anyone tell me whats the most severe punishment ill get from it? now I’ve talked to some lawyer and he said that it was a felony but on the ticket it just says misdemeanors but all the lawyers dont really explain themselves so what can i do?

i know i fuked up…
i live in texas if that helps and the controlled substance was pills not cocaine

Best answer:

Answer by patvlaw2000
what state are you in?

Answer by mrhpotter7
You can usually find out the laws of your state by looking up something like “DWI fines and penalties in (Your State)” and “Possession of a Controlled substance fines and penalties in (Your State)”


Man faces felonies in synthetic marijuana case
George is charged with felony counts of possession with intent to deliver non-narcotics and maintaining a drug trafficking place; and with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. The felony charges carry a maximum initial penalty of 4 ½ years in …
Read more on Portage Daily Register


Special Louisiana Legalization Report
According to a presentation made by the Louisiana Sentencing Commission last month, the state spent $ 19 million in 2012 on the incarceration and supervision of those in prison on simple marijuana possession charges; Louisiana's for-profit prison system …
Read more on CelebStoner


2 Responses to “Court Date?”

  • universaldorkette:

    Very interesting. Apparently the officer assumed you were under the influence of whatever drug it was you were busted with. I’m not sure how that works because I got pulled over with marijuana in my possession but the officer never added a DWI/DUI charge. I would definitely recommend you talking to more lawyers or maybe get a public defender if you are not able to afford one and you can look up state laws for controlled substances online. I would for you but I don’t know what state you are in. Best of luck to you!

  • bsdymond:

    Talking to a lawyer is definitely recommended. Often there are lawyers in your area who specialize in just that sort of thing. If there was no breathalizer or blood test the officer will have a very hard time proving the DWI. If you were acting under the influence, that would be a different matter, but my thought is that he would still need proof to back up his suspicions. Even a public defender can advise you on this

    The controlled substance issue probably is going to depend on your state laws and the amount that you had. My thought (my best friend is the local sheriff) is that you will get a fine and probation for the controlled substance. Now the DWI would factor in if it still stands but the lawyer can fight that.

    Good luck and most of all Stay Positive. Even the judge wants to see you succeed. You’ll be OK.