Does America’s War on Drugs and Felony Laws Create a Sub Caste of Lesser Citizens?
Question by Harvey: Does America’s war on drugs and felony laws create a sub caste of lesser citizens?
With the increasing ease that people can look up criminal background checks and the rising felony convictions and the many arrests of addicts, adding to their records and making them more and more unemployable in our economy is America creating a sub caste of citizens that are destined to survive on welfare and government entitlement programs? People can say its just being tough on crime, but stamping a man or woman with multiple minor charges or a felony has a lasting mark that “honest” working people end up paying for thru food stamps, cash benefits, rent and utility payments and its only gonna get worse as more people get these charges.
Best answer:
Answer by Liberaltarian
Drugs and felons create a sub-caste, not drug laws and felony convictions.
Answer by Cool story, bro.
Yes it does create a sub class of citizens, destined to either live on the welfare, which is barely enough to live on, or to commit crime to pay for the things the society teaches them they should want or need, and the obvious food, clothes and housing for them and their families.
Minor (non offences) need to be removed completely. For a start, victimless crimes like possession or cultivation of weed and mushrooms (naturally occurring plants and fungi) need to be dealt with, and no one should be in jail for such “crimes”.
You are over looking one group of people to blame that is the drug user perhaps they bear some responsibility here You remind me of Rev Wright ”the white man made use use drugs”
alchohol prohibition falied
END MEXICAN AL CAPONES, free up jail space,
That’s the goal!
Create an entire class of brown people who can only work for minimum wage and never be able to vote.
That’s what the “War on Drugs” is. Otherwise, they would actually try to use things that achieved results.