Drug Charges Against Ben Ali Are ‘irrational’

Drug Possession in the News

Drug Possession: Drug charges against Ben Ali are ‘irrational’
Accusations that ousted Tunisian president Zine el Abidine Ben Ali possessed and planned to sell marijuana are “irrational”, his lawyer said Friday as the exiled leader faces another trial on drug trafficking charges during his rule.
Read more on AFP via Yahoo! News

Drug Possession: Drug Task Force dismantles two active meth labs
VERNON – “Kicking off” the busy Fourth of July weekend the Washington County Drug Task Force, which includes the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Chipley Police Department, arrested dismantled two active meth labs in Vernon…
Read more on Washington County News / Holmes County Times-Advertiser

Drug Possession: Woman guilty of drug charge
ESCANABA – A Gulliver woman pleaded guilty to maintaining a drug house or drug vehicle during a hearing in Delta County Circuit Court Tuesday.
Read more on The Escanaba Daily Press

Drug Possession: War on drugs ‘not working’

The Global Commission on Drug Policy has said the war on drugs has “failed”, recommending that leaders decriminalise drug possession. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com and follow us on Twitter at twitter.com

Related Drug Possession Information…

11 Responses to “Drug Charges Against Ben Ali Are ‘irrational’”

  • ChrisRamses1973:

    The government doesn´t want you to use your drugs. The government wants you to use their drugs.
    -Chris Rock

  • shanepaulcoward:

    War on drugs? LOL
    I was a heroin addict for 15 yrs. The dealers operate with almost complete impunity from the law and the police. The authorities are seen on the whole as a f*****g joke. Ques of cars waiting for dealers to return and sell drugs. Huge quantities contained in houses and flats with people coming and going at all hours around the clock.These f****rs are involved and complicit at some level. Western troops are guarding opium fields in Afghanistan right now.

  • ShortyDebs:

    what was your first hint that it wasnt working? The fact that all drug dealers are still in business or the 38,000 innocent civilians dead in Mexico thanks to th drug war?

  • TheAab11:

    British government bodies on drugs are a joke… You can legally buy the equipment needed to grow cannabis the heating etc.. Even buy the seed legally (presumably the Government get VAT on it). But as soon as you plant the seed your breaking the law…
    Weres the logic in that?

    If they wanted to seriously get rid of drugs they could very easily do it….

  • JungleUnderground:

    Cocaine & heroin ain’t safe or cool. Watching people destroy natural good FREE medicine is just insane. Legalize marijuana, opium & cocoa!

  • BigMrFirebird:

    If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got. Brit law for the fail.

    Legalise the stuff and let’s move on, FFS.

  • SSasskicker:

    lol wow the war on drugs does not work? who could have seen this one coming…

  • mantovannni:

    the english government are a bunch of wankers. they decriminalised weed a few years ago and went back to criminalise it again. i bet some of those m.p.s are on coke and everything the hypocritical cunts.

  • spe315effect:

    @iMaGaZi I didn’t say otherwise

  • whoareyapauldunn:

    @iMaGaZi @ portugal!

  • Mee551able:

    about time 2