Drug Possession: Can You Get Arrested for Being High?
by dbking
Question by mofo: Can you get arrested for being high?
If a cop notices that you’re high, but you aren’t in possession of any drugs, would they be able to do anything?
Best answer:
Answer by Stephanie
Uhm. technically cops cannot make that usumption unless your shouting it out, or they drug test you. Becuase someone may just have iritated eyes. But yes if your causing a scene and you’re yelling it out yes, they can drug test you and arrrest you.
What do you think? Answer below!
Related Drug Possession Information…
You are in possession of the drugs in your system.
I can make that case.
only if your driving or out in public.
It’s called being under the influence of a controlled substance. Just like being under the influence of alcohol there are legal protocols the police must follow but yeah, you can be arrrested.
Yes. If the police officer can conclude that you are under the influence of a controlled substance you can be detained. The officer would attempt to give you a field sobriety test and at the conclusion if you fail you can be taken into custody.
Well think about this…a drunk driver. They can tell hes drunk even though he has no alcohol on him. It’s pretty much the same matter. And Marijuana is illegal, soooo yeah.
Public intox. But you’d have to be A) really, really high. or B) really annoying the cop.
EDIT: “In possession of the drugs in your system?” LMAO! I’ve never heard of that one. That dude must have had the worst lawyer on the planet! But good job citicop, Im sure you prevented yet another pot-related death. <-sarcasm
This is such a fail!
I agree with the previous answers saying only in public and only if you are being really stupid. You can be cited or arrested for being intoxicated in public. In reality, however, an officer has to be really bored to check someone out who appears to be high. Or they might try to determine if the person has drugs on him. If not, the cop will usually just tell a high person to go home or to get out of sight.
As for citicop…I am sure he intended to give good advice. We do have some retarded laws related to “internal possession”. And if citicop is a cop, he wouldn’t be making a case, only an arrest and a report. The DA would make the case. The only time I’ve ever heard of law enforcement trying to use the internal possession theory stick was in a chase situation where the suspect disposed of the evidence(drugs) by eating it before the cop could stop him.