Drug Possession: Can You Get in Trouble if You Are Drug Tested and They Find Ecstasy/weed Has Been in Your System?
Question by Jlush: can you get in trouble if you are drug tested and they find ecstasy/weed has been in your system?
or do they have to catch you with it or under the influence at the moment?
Best answer:
Answer by xanaduloot
You can its called “internal possession” but its usually added on as a charge when you are arrested for dui/possession/sales…its not something that you just get arrested for randomly
if you are on probabtion/parole than ya you can get in trouble just for peeing dirty
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Drug Possession: Man Dies Following Tuesday Night Shooting
Two people were shot on Jones St. in Chattanooga Tuesday night. It happened just before 11 pm Wednesday spokesperson Sgt. Wayne Jefferson said one of the vicitms, Cary Abram, died after he was rushed to the hospital.Another yet unidentified woman was shot as well. She told police she and Abram were sitting in a car smoking marijuana in front of Abram’s house at 3412 Jones Street when someone opened fire on them. He lived there with his brother, Cory Abram. Police say both brothers were arrested during a Saturday saturation patrol for drug possession and have past records indicating involvement in drug trafficking.Sgt. Jefferson said “the shooting appears to be drug and money-related with no connection to gang activity.”Anyone with information on this case is asked to call the Chattanooga Police Department at 423-698-2525.
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More Drug Possession Information…
If you are drug-tested and positive, then you’ll be sent to lock-up pending hospital report to confirm that you are really positive for ecstacy. There are some cases where some people were tested positive during the urine-test but were declared free from drugs by the hospital.
If they catch you with it, then you will be charged with possession of or attempt to distribute drugs, of which the punishments prescribed are heavier than being tested positive for drug abuse.
Usually the police will conduct indiscriminate testing when they raid discos or pubs. So you maybe perfectly sound but if you take it, then be prepared to spent few nights in the lock-up.
I agree with the previous poster. If your employer is testing you, you generally get fired (which is “trouble” as I see it). If you’re under court-ordered testing, you’ll face whatever consequences the judge imposes (e.g. jail). If you’re driving and you get pulled over and they test you, they’d probably charge you with a DUI/DWI.
all i have to say is drink lots of water.