Drug Possession: Dykstra Pleads Not Guilty in Embezzlement Case
Drug Possession in the News
Drug Possession: Dykstra pleads not guilty in embezzlement case
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Former New York Mets and Philadelphia Phillies outfielder Lenny Dykstra pleaded not guilty Monday in a federal case where he’s accused of embezzling money from a bankruptcy estate.
Read more on Sports Illustrated
Drug Possession: Homeless Woman Arrested Over Son’s Education Now Faces Numerous Drug Charges
She Has Dealt Drugs Before, Says Police Chief A homeless woman from Bridgeport accused of stealing her son’s kindergarten education by enrolling him in another school district was arrested Friday on 29 drug charges. Police said she was found to be in possession of crack cocaine and marijuana.
Read more on Hartford Courant
Drug Possession: Theft report leads to drug arrests
Deputies called out to Fort Road in Greenwood on a reported theft ended up arresting two Panama City residents on drug charges.
Read more on Jackson County Floridan
Drug Possession: DPA on TV CA Reduces Marijuana Possession to Infraction
Momentum to reform marijuana laws keeps building in California as the Governor signs a bill to reclassify petty possession as a civil infraction! (San Diego 6 News)
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does this apply for canada also?
it doesnt control and tax,
thats y u should have said yes on PROP19 mothafucka
1:50 Bonnie Dumanis, DA is Republican. She is the first openly gay or lesbian DA in the country. But if gay people are dying of AIDS and women dying of breast cancer Bonnie says, “sorry you cannot take prescription marijuana. My job depends on it being illegal.”
Howd happy would I be to get a ticket…I dont get the big deal, not at all…
Marijuana possession should warrant no infraction. None whatsoever.
@NikoKun Anmything short of ending the entire wars on some drugs and ending the unconstitutional, which means illegal, prohibitions.
Amendment number nine DEMANDS this ending NOW. They have enumerated into the constitution the word “intoxicant”, so as the ninth is written ALL OTHER intoxicants shall be our right to use.
oh my god… what total ignorance…
So now the opposition is simply lying about Prop 19?
It does SO Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannabis!
sheeesh, it’s amazing how far they’ll twist things. Even if it is left up to local governments, that doesn’t make it any less regulated!
Local governments will RUSH to make all the regulations they possibly can, as soon as Prop 19 passes! You can COUNT on that, simply BECAUSE of people like that woman. But that is a good thing, as long as it’s legal.
Attention Potheads…now is the time to stop pleading guilty and clog the courts as much a possible. They want to waste time and money then let’s help them do it as much as possible.
every state needs to follow suit!!!!
Remember people you have to be registered by Oct. 18th to be able to vote on prop 19 No. 2nd. Vote yes on prop 19