Drug Possession: How Do You Like My Story Idea?
Question by Peyton Cohen: How do you like my story idea?
“This is no stranger. I believe she was in an impaired state at the time,but your sister definitely knew this person very well.” The psychic,Madam Pope said, She was speaking more to the young man with the striking light colored eyes than his mother, an attractive black woman. The teenager had a tight grip on his mother, but the woman didn’t complain. She let her son rest his curly head on her chest although he stood more than six feet tall and the seen looked awkward.
“What do you mean by impaired?” Mrs.Bloodworth, the mother asked. “Like drugged or something of that nature?”
“Possibly.” Madam Pope replied.”The culprit knew the schedule of the house where your daughter resided very well. I sense that they…”
Mrs.Bloodworth interrupted.”They?”
“Yes,A man and a woman I believe. They watched Janoah(Hebrew name that means quiet and calm.) enter the house and then waited to see if she would come back to play,but she didn’t.
“So what did she do?” The young man asked in a hoarse voice
Madam Pope closed her eyes and ran her hands over a pair of short that belonged to Janoah. She picked up a vein of psychic energy and let the recollections come. “She went inside,kicked her feet…to take off her shoes. She went to her bedroom and changed her clothes. She put on something mismatched like a loose fitting t-shirt and some capri pants. It’s chilly outside,so she doesn’t want to play and she’s thinking about something special that’s coming up. Janoah returns to a room by the front door. The den? Wherever the main television was in the house,she went there and turned on the television. She’s very excited and appears to have no idea she is being watched. She goes to the foot rest of the recliner and lays down on it.”
At this point the son’s eyes began to fill with tears again. Mrs.Bloodworth stroked his head.”What’s wong,baby?”
“She loved sleeping on the ottoman. It was just her size,Mommy.” He choked.
“She went to sleep on it.” Madam Pope continued. “She was asleep perhaps twenty minutes before a woman entered the house using a key. She spotted the “target” which was Janoah and used a cellphone to tell her partner.’This is going to be easier than we htought,honey.’ the woman said. The man comes inside and goes upstairs. He knows the house very well. He enters Janoah’s bedroom looking for something. His eyes settled on a Tinkerbell blanket. He grabbed it and went back downstars. The woman is standing idley. Her partner picks Janoah up.”Madam Pope stood and pantomimed hoisting a child into the air, then pulled the child close and did a sort of draping motion.”He held her body against his and draped the blanket over her. The man had some paternal instincts, because he did’t want her to get cold on the walk back to his car. The woman and man left the house and walked perhaps three to four blocks away. They just like any normal couple with their child.”
By the time Madam Pope finished the teenager had gone silent again. Mrs.Bloodworth continued rocking him in her arms. “But why? Why did they want her?Janoah isn’t the healthiest child and she reacts coldly to most people.”
“The man is the mastermind behind all of this. He felt that he was reclaiming a possession. ” Madam Pope was sapped of energy. “I’ll have to try again some other time to tell the rest of the story.”
This an excerpt from my story about a 9 year old girl who goes missing wihout a trace and the visions her brother recieves from her.She telepathically tries to tell him where she is.
Best answer:
Answer by Eyara JK
Not too bad. It’s a good psychological thriller, and would make a great book/movie. I can imagine it being a dark novel. Keep it up!
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Drug Possession: Three Houston police officers accused of eating pot brownies abc13
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