Drug Possession: James Crowder: Illegally Searched and Falsely Arrested for Marijuana Possession in Public View

Drug Possession: James Crowder: Illegally Searched and Falsely Arrested for Marijuana Possession In Public View

Take Action: bit.ly James Crowder was stopped-and-frisked when entering his mother’s apartment building. One of the officers reached into James’ pocket without receiving James’ consent and recovered marijuana. The officers claim, however, that James had the marijuana in his hand and threw it on the floor when he saw them approaching. James refused to plead guilty for a crime he did not commit. He knew that personal possession of marijuana is not a criminal violation in New York, as long as the marijuana is not in public view. As a result, he was remanded and held on Riker’s Island for one week. He was told that he could go home if he pled guilty, but he refused. Eventually, James posted 0 bail and was released.
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