Drug Possession: Shain Gandee Dead! ‘Buckwild’ Star Dies, Network Blamed

Drug Possession: Shain Gandee Dead! ‘Buckwild’ Star Dies, Network Blamed

Shooting for the second season of the MTV reality show “BUCKWILD” has been suspended after a popular cast member was found dead along with two others inside …
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5 Responses to “Drug Possession: Shain Gandee Dead! ‘Buckwild’ Star Dies, Network Blamed”

  • jmgst03:


  • jmgst03:

    Fukn stupid…..quit talking shit dumbass! Yu? prolly weren’t or Neva be AZ wild…..quit talkn shit bitch!

  • Joseph Murphy:

    Wow that was so good you? guys are so funny
    not really doh you guys are idiots

  • salhate:

    U two are? fucking stupid dont quit ur day job

  • jacobapilgrim:

    Man yall are disrespecting our way of life. The show is not to blame but maybe people like shain spend there money on better? stuff than a damn cell phone so theres no reason to dog on their way of life.