Drug Possession: Trayvon Martin Was Suspended for Drug Possession Before Death
Drug Possession: Trayvon Martin Was Suspended For Drug Possession Before Death
Trayvon Martin Was Suspended For Drug Possession Before Death In the weeks before his death Trayvon Martin had gotten into trouble for drug possession. According to his family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump, the 17-year-old was suspended for 10 days from his Miami high school for having a small bag of greenery in his backpack. Though it wasn’t enough to get him arrested, the teen was sent to visit his father in Sanford, FL, where he was killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. The boy’s parents were concerned by the incident involving the illegal substance, but said that it played no part in the actions that led to his death. “We maintain that regardless of the specific reason for the suspension, it’s got nothing to do with the events that unfolded on Feb. 26,” said family spokesperson, Ryan Julison. Martin was gunned down in the gated community where his father lived while on his way back from the store. He was wearing a hoodie and carrying Skittles and ice tea, when he was misidentified by Zimmerman as a trespasser. The 28-year-old has also said that Martin attacked him, forcing him to shoot the unarmed teen. Since the killing, Zimmerman has gone into hiding, but his attorney, Craig Sooner, maintains that his client is not racist. “It’s not a racial issue. George Zimmerman is absolutely not a racist,” he said. This new development will likely do little to skew the public’s support for bringing Zimmerman to justice, and helping the Martin family find peace …
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lmao of course the only people that give a shit? about this story are niggers hahaha
i think martin could have attacked zimmerman but out of his own fear of zimmerman following him, i think in my opinion what happened was that once zimmerman? reached martin, martin punched him trying to protect himself cause he did not know who this guy following him was, so even if martin did attack him its zimmermans fault for follwoing him even after being told not to,
I dont see how anyone can pass judgement and conclude what actually happened without the entire evidence and testimonials disclosed yet. The only tid bits of information you are recieving? are from the same idiot tv news source that told you They had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and they killed Osama …And Zimmerman was White.. You’re all being played again and youre feeding into this racist propoganda tactic…
wow he is so thugged out gangsta type for having empty weed baggy. lol. this kids life was worth more then mine. im really a thug. i really gang bang, i really do all the shit white people? say all young blacks do. if i die from a gun no one would bat an eye. this kid is a nerd compared to some of the white boys i really know who are big time hustlers. if this kid asked me for weed, i wouldnt even sell to him before tapping his pockets cuz he look like a snitch goody goody kid. not a thug. RIP TV
Well then I’m glad he’s dead. a person should not be able to have weed and still be allowed civil rights and social? equality. He wanted his cake and to eat it also. Darn uppity negro!
He was caught with an empty baggie that smelled like weed. ? He was drug tested after he died and no message that he had drugs in his system.
Oh my gosh a small quantity of weed? Straight up thug isn’t it? Embarrassing.
The stand your ground law doesn’t apply in this case due to the fact that Zimmerman pursued him. ? It’s stalking, harassment and murder in my opinion.