Drug Possession: What Can You Say About the Rise and the Decline of Natural Law?
Question by adebola: What can you say about the rise and the decline of natural law?
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Answer by WATCH DOG
The Drug culture and the loss of morals will explain the decline and this online Essay will explain the ascension of it.}{
As John Locke defined it, “The state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges every one, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” “The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of Nature for his rule.” All governments were created to protect natural law, the law which by humans live by. This law by nature is the most important value in people and how they precede in their lives. Natural law lets us carry out our lives in a self determined way. For it was given to us since the beginning and left for us to decide what we would do with it.
People are innate with freewill but there are certain boundaries. Society is given natural laws to allow us to function as free sovereign people to live together in cooperative nations. Evidently each person owns them selves by natural law. So an individual is free to choose what he or she can do without anyone denying there equality. Natural rights are not group rights, they are innate in each individual human being. Everyone is separate and each one is intact with all of ones rights. Although each person is free to do what they choose, there are boundaries in doing so. Committing crimes are external, but a person is free to defend oneself from crimes.
Governments were created to protect natural law so that free will and liberty would presume without interference. The government works with the society so there won’t be any conflicts. So that there are no conjectures of anyone without these natural rights. The state of natural law will always exist but unsafe from the mind. The minds’ of people create a fraud idea which then makes natural law distorted.
However natural rights always are retained by oneself, because of the fact that they own themselves and have the ability to think for oneself and act on their choices. No other individual has the ability or authority to take that away from you. A free society has to come with respect for the natural rights, and if the rights are violated then the government prosecutes the individual to protect the natural law, and rights. A person can’t lose their own rights unless they surrender them by force but it never goes away. Natural rights are always there and can be reclaimed at any given time. }{
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