Drug Possession: What Is Drug Abuse? Is It the Same Being Charged With Possetion?
Question by Bob: what is drug abuse? is it the same being charged with possetion?
i got charged with drug abuse when the cop pulled me over, but when i got the letter from court it said i am getting charged with possetion of marihuana?
i had no drugs on me or anything,but they knew i was high
Best answer:
Answer by davieguy
there is no such thing as being charged with drug abuse.
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There is no such charge as “drug abuse”. There are only laws against “sale”, “use (being under the influence of)”, or “possession” of drugs. Penalties for the sale of drugs are the most severe; those for mere possession are the lightest.
If you are charged with possession and you didn’t actually have anything on you, you could fight the charge in court with some possibility of prevailing. Otherwise your best option is to plead “not guilty”, then immediately accept whatever “deal” the prosecutor offers.