Drug Possession: Who Do You Go to if a Judge Abuses/misuses His Authority?

Question by Joshua H: Who do you go to if a judge abuses/misuses his authority?
I know that the Judge is the supreme authority in the court room, but where do you go if you feel the judge himself abuses his power, or deliberately refuses to hear one side?

Also, my cousin was arrested over 2 years ago for Meth possession, but the case was dropped when the guy he was giving a ride to admitted it was his (He don’t do hard drugs). He was arrested again recently for something unrelated, and when his lawyer requested bail, the prosecutor protested against it due to a “history of drug use and possession”). The judge agreed with the prosecutor, but when my cousin’s lawyer tried to say he’s never been convicted for anything to do with drugs, the judge ordered him to be silent and stated that his decision was made.

Is this “legal”? How can they use something against him that he was never found guilty of, especially sense you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, let alone the case was dropped? Who do you go to when the judge allows this? Or are we basically screwed, and supposed to feel thankful we had the opportunity to be shafted by the system we are expected to love?

Best answer:

Answer by M. Rajendran
God has beeing see the…………!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Drug Possession: Drug Charges Dropped Against Ex-Heavyweight Champ
Two Kansas drug charges against former heavyweight boxing champion Tommy Morrison have been dropped because the state trooper who arrested him has died.
Read more on Kansas Public Radio

Drug Possession: Drug charges lodged in Cattaraugus County
SALAMANCA—A Salamanca man indicted by a Cattaraugus County grand jury on drug charges was arrested Wednesday. Raymond A. Turner Jr., no age available, was indicted on two counts each of third-degree criminal sale and possession of a controlled substance.
Read more on The Buffalo News

Drug Possession: Couple arrested in case of infant death
Denver Police the parents of a 3-month-old boy who died Saturday on charges of felony child abuse after they found “evidence of pain,” according to a police statement.
Read more on Denver Post

Drug Possession: what is marijuana possession NJ

www.NJDwiCriminalDefenseAttorney.com Learn about marijuana possession laws from NJ criminal defense attorney Stephen A. Gravatt, get a free guide on how to select the best DWi, Speeding Ticket, or Criminal Defense Attorney.
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3 Responses to “Drug Possession: Who Do You Go to if a Judge Abuses/misuses His Authority?”

  • Ben:

    First, we are not expected to love the system. That’s why we have the right to change it via the proper channels.

    Second, the Judge has the right to do what he/she did.

    Third, is stinks. It happened to me.

    The judge let multiple people ahead of me go excused, fishing with out a fishing license, but me a guy who the night I was ticketed was robbed and out of cash and who’s car was stolen not to ride the light-rail for free to get home. The law stinks some times.

  • Grandview Investigations:

    Yeah, it sounds like it. Am I surprised? No. I am in these courts all the time and it never ceases to amaze me, what these judges get away with. The document you file is a Judicial Conduct compaint. YOu can find information by contacting your local bar association. And since you are online, google Judicial Rules of Conduct for your state. There you wlll find the rules of conduct, they are SUPPOSED to follow. When you write your complaint, try and engrain some of these rules that you feel best support your accusations, that they have not complied with. BUT, im so sorry to tell you, good luck. Myself and several other colleagues have filed judicial conduct complaints before, with good sound reasons, but it never went very far. You see, it is lawyers judging other lawyers and they always, ALWAYS take their back door. The only ones I have seen been actually listened to with interest are the ones where your local news station caught them on camera driving drunk or something in that nature. Or if the police are involved. Those are listened to as it is on camera or official, they almost HAVE to listen, if you know what I mean. But you and I, just Joe Average Citizen, whoes lives are ruined due to their inconsideration or bias, well, we are usually blown off. I agree with you, you were screwed. And yes, I would still file it as they have to take the time to respond. I wouldnt let them just get away with it. So, even if you get shot down, they KNEW you were there and didnt approve of their unofficial conduct.

  • Matt:

    Are you rich?
    Are you the government?


    Then sorry, you have no rights. They can ‘legally’ do whatever the hell they want.

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