Fiona Apple Marijuana Arrest
Drug Possession: Fiona Apple Marijuana Arrest
“Fiona Apple was arrested at a border stop in Sierra Blanca, Texas on Wednesday, after authorities claim they found hashish on the singer’s tour bus, reports TMZ. According to the website, when Apple’s bus was stopped for inspection officers uncovered the hashish, which is a concentrated form of cannabis. The “Criminal” singer was arrested for possession and is currently being held at Hudspeth County Jail. The website also reports, that the same border stop has been a particular thorn in the side of many celebrities, including Willie, Nelson, Snoop Dogg and Armie Hammer, who have all been arrested for drug possession in the past…”.* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and comedian Jimmy Dore break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more here: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here:
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I disagree. As an artist she is phenomenal. Her skill is superb. Johnny Cash had little to no skill and is STILL one of the greatest musicians of all time. One of the reasons I found music? theory boring. I could find a fabulously talented pianist and composer boring because he was not a very good artist. Nothing came across to me. Old bluegrass can be amazing music, but may not be technically “correct” or “educated”. What you speak of is brainwashed bull they teach you in Music school.
Not in terms of overall skill, technique, improvisational capability, level of applied theory, degree of difficulty, accuracy of execution/delivery,? ability to adapt intuitively in a group performance situation and so on.
Enjoyability is certainly a subjective value as is taste but applied skill/ability is far less subjective.
She isn’t remotely close to what is considered to be “virtuoso”.
Well now,? that is subjective, is it not?
That’s not true. Alcohol has messed up plenty of lives, way more than any drug and cigarettes can cause cancer. Compared? to pot or even hash (a marijuana product) alcohol and cigarettes Are more dangerous. That’s why a lot of people don’t know why pot is illegal but cigarettes and alcohol are legal. Even the study Nixon had done to demonise pot came up marijuana Wasn’t worthy to be demonised. Just saying. But again, moderation is the key to success.
In most states and countries worldwide the possession of cannabis is illegal whereas alcohol and? cigarettes is not. This recognizes that cannabis is a lot more severe in its effects.
Drugs fck up lives. Just saying.
Struggling with the English language? How the? fuck do these people end up on camera?
I wonder if she is feeling like a criminal? now?
Wow American? government is evil
Child molestor get lesser sentence….and reason? why so many ppls go to jail in this fuck’d up country because jail in america is a corporation. they get more money by locking ppl up, and make them work for 7 cents an hour doing all kind of jobs! america HA!
“Just bc someone sayins (sic) week (sic) cures headaches does not make it a ligitimate (sic)? use.” By ‘someone’ do you mean highly educated Doctors who publish studies in the Journal of American Medicine? But I’m sure you know more than all the MDs who have studied weed. Afterall, you’re an ignorant cunt with a youtube account. You know everything. You don’t even know how to write a coherent sentece you pathetic piece of shit. You are easily the dumbest person to comment on this video.
It is called? them having liberty over their own body and decisions. I thought you conservatives were all about freedom…
The problem is that drug possession is a crime, are you too dumb to realize what I am saying? Exactly what about drug possession makes it a crime, other than your retarded ass government telling you so?
To see what I? mean look up Portugal’s drug policy.
You are dumb because you support? tyranny and ignorance.
And our founding fathers also said that there should be an armed rebelion every 20 years. They also said the constitution should be adapted to the times to keep it relevant in modern societys. THat is why they allowed it to be changed. Because they understood nothing it put in stone and nothing is forever. When the distribution of what you want to put in your body? causes harm to people and society the government has the right to regulate it and illegalize it. So you sire would be wrong.
It would allow users and dealers to do what they want with no regard for the safety of others. Oh yeah that is so good. Drugs do nothing but harm people and societies. Just because someone sayins week cures headaches does not make it a ligitimate use. Makes them a fucking lier who plays on the liberals to? allow a drug to be used.