How Come People Don’t Call Me a Racist When I Give Compliments?

Question by omg: How come people don’t call me a racist when I give compliments?
For example, if I say something like “Black people have a high number of violent criminals” (which is true, btw), everyone starts to ridicule me and label me as a racist when I am just stating fact. People will say things like “you are prejudiced”, “get out of this country and experience other cultures before you pass judgement”, “there are different kinds of people in all races” or “it’s just media bias that make black people out as criminals”. However, when I say something like “Black people are strong-willed and can overcome anything” or “Black people have a high number of inventors contributing to society” (both of which are also true), people accept it and say “yes, black people did this and that….” and basically positive things. Why is it that I don’t get ridiculed for the second set of statements? A stereotype is a stereotype whether positive or negative right? So how come people don’t tell me “NO, there are smart and dumb people in all races” if I say “blacks are smart”?
I didn’t say that blacks necessarily commit more crimes. They do, however, commit more violent crimes. It is not a problem with racist judges, etc. If you are denying the facts, then I guess you haven’t experienced other cultures. You probably live in a predominantly white neighborhood. Where I live, everyone knows that black people are always shooting each other; even black people won’t deny it.
white people ARE more likely to be sociopathic. this is also a fact. i’m not going to deny facts like you are.
When did I say I live in a white neighborhood? I said YOU probably do. I live in a black neighborhood where shootings happen almost daily. My asian friend was also let off when he had a few ounces of marijuana. Fact is that asians commit the same amount of crime/drugs/extortion, etc. Maybe even more than blacks do. So if america is so racist, then how come asians dont get treated the same as blacks? Could it be because they are not as violent?
“Give it a rest, and go get an education you racist prick.”

You just proved my point.

Best answer:

Answer by Nick
LMAO ppl r just messed up. cant do anything about it… just dont take any offense when they call u racist for the first set of statements.

Answer by ?&?: The 1st Liberal Catholic
Well the fact that you’re DISTORTING truth is what likely gets you labeled that way.

Black Americans do not necessarily commit the highest number of crimes, rather Black Americans have the highest CONVICTION RATE of violent crimes.

The conclusions drawn from that all depend on your outlook. You obviously have a racist one since you jump to the conclusion that, well conviction must = truth.

Should I, from anecdotal evidence, say that Whites are more likely to be sociopaths compared to Blacks simply because not a single school shooting has been perpetrated by a Black student, whereas the majority have been perpetrated by White students? (which IS a fact)


Wow! You obviously have no clue how the criminal justice system works.

1. Obviously it can’t have anything to do with racist judges because judges DON’T convict people! JURIES DO!

Since in the United States, juries consist of “the average old joe American” you cannot possibly claim that there doesn’t exist any racist jurors.

2. A conviction consists of much MORE than just a person’s day at court. It starts with the ARREST by a police officer.

I can speak from experience that Black Americans ARE singled out by many (but not all) police officers, and (more importantly) White Americans are given BREAKS.

I have witnessed white friends get busted for having an ounce of marijuana on them, and the police officer just scolds them, confiscates their paraphinalia and then LETS THEM GO.

Conversely, I have witnessed other friends who are of color get busted for having the same amount of the same drug in the same city, but are then hauled off for “Possession with the intent to distribute”.

If the white kid doesn’t even get arrested, then he won’t even make it to court for a possible conviction in the first place.

3. The tendency toward crime is very complex and one needs to look at socio-economic background as well. Even IF in fact Black Americans DO commit more violent crimes than their White counterparts, you can’t necessarily reduce this to “Blacks being inherently more violent than Whites”.

Black Americans are more likely to live in the Ghetto than are their White counterparts, thus they are more likely to struggle financially. Financial struggle can lead one to commit robery, or drug trafficking.

But I wouldn’t expect you to understand any of this because, as you said, you live in a predominantly White neighborhood. I bet your only experience of Black Americans is what you see on TV.


NO! WHITES ARE NOT MORE LIKELY TO BE SOCIOPATHIC. That was exactly my point! You can’t just take ANECDOTAL evidence and then make a blanket statement about people. You THINK Whites are more sociopathic because that is ONLY WHAT YOU SEE.

If you were to actually make a psychological / sociological study / experiment, you would see that it is AMERICANS IN GENERAL who are more likely to be sociopathic. The simple fact that the majority of AMERICANS are WHITE is what leads you to believe that Whites are more likely to be sociopathic.

Give it a rest, and go get an education you racist prick.


“When did I say I live in a white neighborhood? I said YOU probably do. I live in a black neighborhood where shootings happen almost daily. My asian friend was also let off when he had a few ounces of marijuana. Fact is that asians commit the same amount of crime/drugs/extortion, etc. Maybe even more than blacks do. So if america is so racist, then how come asians dont get treated the same as blacks? Could it be because they are not as violent?”

Thank you very much! You just proved my point that you are a racist.

Over and Out!


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3 Responses to “How Come People Don’t Call Me a Racist When I Give Compliments?”

  • hollie2000_1999:

    Why do you even feel the need to make statements about people because they are black? why can’t someone just be smart without the colour of their skin being mentioned?
    Why is it so important to define someones skin colour?

  • t_bertrand:

    People have pre-set agendas and things they WANT to believe. You a making a big mistake by letting a little thing like the truth get in the way of a good story.
    How dare you be so uncooperative!!!!!!

  • kdanielle86:

    wow…okay if u constantly point out something negitive about a person(race has nothing to do with it) of course they’re gonna get in your face about…ppl always want to say something negitive instead of saying something good. yeah I know they are some bad things about black ppl….just like whites, but stop trying to focus on the negitive so much

    oh yeah and if a white person come up to me and say something like “oh black ppl are smart” I would take that as a reverse racism comment..why? b/c it like they’re trying to “say something without saying it”