Drug Possession: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS
On a traffic stop for a red light a police officer asks this citizen if he can search his car for illegal drugs due to a prior arrest for marijuana possession. When the driver smartly refuses the officer goes berserk!
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The Taliban isn’t after your freedom. This man is. THIS is post 9/11 America. Bin Laden wins,? game over.
isnt it if they? have suspisions they can search w/out warrant? otherwise this is hilarious and that driver is a class A badass.
That cop was? pissed!!! Hahaha
@heyITSmeWHATSupSON well ya? lol just weed lol but ya i know my right’s
@clownbow1 u got ? rights , did they find shit ,
@heyITSmeWHATSupSON ya iv done that before AND did not work? lol just called dog and then they broke into my car bummer lol
@Graniteman10 lmao or ? a box of donuts hahah bi polar cops
@clownbow1 but if u get out of yer car lock? the dooors , tell their ass you do not consent too any searches ^_^ they cant do shit
@clownbow1 deff? fake lol bulllshsit
ya i would still think it is fake b/c he would have found a way to search the car?
@DyNaMiTe13666 lol the cop has no control over the filming and publishing of? the video
It wouldn’t be much surprise if this were real, but I’m? skeptical about it being a fake, staged event.
Wow. Protect and? Serve (my ass)
Your right… cops generally film themselves? flipping out and then release it on to the internet