Las Vegas Pool Party and Nightclub Arrests | Drug Possession Defense Attorney

Drug Possession: Las Vegas Pool Party and Nightclub Arrests | Drug Possession Defense Attorney – Attorney Joel M. Mann defends those arrested at adult pool parties for drug possession or other offenses. Call The Law Office of Joel M. Mann at 702-474-MANN (6266) to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help with your criminal case. Many hotels and resorts in Las Vegas are cashing in on the nightclub scene by bringing the nightclub experience outdoors during the day for adult pool parties. Some of these popular pool parties are even filmed for TV shows like Rehab at the Hard Rock. Now, almost every major resort has some sort of adult pool party. With the allure of an adult experience, most people attending these pool parties don’t realize they will be searched by security guards before entering the pool party. The hotel security works closely with the police department, usually asking that the police remain close by during the search of hotel guests. These searches can often lead to a person being arrested for drug possession.
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