Religiously,How Do YOU Feel on the Mentally Ill?
by dbking
Question by Ethan: Religiously,how do YOU feel on the mentally ill?
Causes,people themselves,exc….
How do you feel on them,religiously.
Best answer:
Answer by God is my Salvation
they need help
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Drug Possession: Pot Legalized in Colorado & Washington
Marijuana Legalized in Colorado, Washington – Referendum Allows Adults Possession Up to an Ounce Referendum allows adults over 21 to possess up to an ounce of marijuana.
More Drug Possession Information…
All religious people are mentally ill.
They think mentally ill people are possessed by demons.
I think they need psychiatric help.
Quite easy; It depends upon the person who deals with it.
You want to feel on mentally ill people? I’d call that a dereliction of your duty of care if you were a doctor.
Or maybe you just like groping mad people!
I just discovered today, that I am mentally ill. It is a great shock to realize I had been crazy and not known it.
They are not possessed by demons anymore…
I don’t feel on them. That would just make the paranoia worse.
I don’t feel it’s polite to touch people I don’t know.
they need rehabilitation
They are tormented a great deal and it is a shame that people don’t understand them better. They go to psychiatrists but these people cannot or will not cast out demons, and this is one of their major problems, the evil spirits. They need to go to a deliverance center (Pentecostal) where they cast them out and then you get filled with the Holy Spirit. This is deliverance that is lasting.
Here but for the grace of God.
The only people who want this legalized have smoked it some time in their lives. I can promise? you that 99% of the time.
yeah ..this is the beginning; the beginning of? the end.
Okay I get it. In? WA, you gotta get a medical license or a distribution license to grow. One costs $75 and the other costs $250 initial / $1000 annual.
Is this in Colorado or Washington? I wanna know if I can grow? now.
noticed that hand sign? at the end. This is it folks.