Simple Possession and Paraphernalia?
Question by G~Sweetness: Simple Possession and Paraphernalia?
Soo, I was charged with Simple Possession and Paraphernalia in the state of North Carolina this past Friday. I have a scheduled court date of January 3rd. I was just wondering what are the possible consequences of the case. The only reason I was charged with Possession was because the drugs were found in my car. Will the “Possession” charge more than likely get dropped from MY case? There were three others in the car btw. Another thing, this is my FIRST time ever being charged with ANYTHING.
Best answer:
Answer by Lauren
– “the only reason I was charged with possession because the drugs were in my car”??? How does that matter. Having drugs in your pocket vs. in your car are the same in the eyes of the law. Usual punishments for a first-time drug offense is a fine and some sort of community service. You may have to check into some sort of drug use group. They are not likely to dro possession
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