Suspected Drug Trafficker Flees to Malaysia While on Bail

Drug Possession in the News

Drug Possession: Suspected drug trafficker flees to Malaysia while on bail
He was supposed to have registered his wedding while released on a one-day conditional bail but escaped to Malaysia. -AsiaOne
Read more on AsiaOne

Drug Possession: Mexican ex-presidents: Legalize drugs?
Once praised lavishly by the United States for waging a war on drugs, Mexico’s last two presidents now say legalizing them may be the best way to end the rising violence the U.S.-backed campaign has unleashed.
Read more on MSNBC

Drug Possession: Police blotter, June 24, 2011
Drug charges filed Jerod Lance Wade, 31, 541 29 1/2 Road, No. 148, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of drug distribution, unlawful possession of drugs and several driving infractions, according to the Mesa County Sheriff’s Department.
Read more on The Daily Sentinel

Drug Possession: Lieutenant Diane Goldstein (Retired) Invites You to Help End Marijuana Prohibition

I’m Diane Goldstein. I served with the Redondo Beach Police Department for more than 20 years, retiring as a Lieutenant. I started as a strong supporter of the war on drugs, but over the course of my career, I began to reconsider it, both because of what I saw professionally and personally. Over my career I arrested a significant number of people for drug use and possession. But I came to realize this didn’t help anyone: Our neighborhoods continued to have access to drugs, while we wasted fiscal resources prosecuting and incarcerating offender’s for victimless crimes instead off violent and property crimes. But most importantly we threw away a segment of our society by labeling them as criminal offenders and limiting their opportunities for jobs and education. My involvement in ending prohibition also results from personal experience, watching a family member become a casualty of this war. My brother made mistakes and was held accountable for them by the judicial system. But with medical help and counseling, he managed to remain sober and work productively until his 40s when he lost his job and was unable to afford ongoing mental health treatment. He was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor but it propelled his descent into a justice system that wouldn’t consider any mitigating factors, only his previous felony conviction. My experiences have led me to an important conclusion: we need to stop incarcerating drug users and shift our priorities to

Find More Drug Possession Information…

5 Responses to “Suspected Drug Trafficker Flees to Malaysia While on Bail”

  • fingertap15:

    ok i’m the fool, go take you anger meds or whatever it is you need to stop being an asshole

  • mrabuckten:

    @fingertap15 why thankyou for exposing your self as a fool
    this lady is a pig just like you

  • fingertap15:

    Due to cannabis being illegal there is no regulation as to what other people are introduced to, by involving cannabis in a black market that also deals in cocaine and opium there is no telling what people could be getting themselves into. Not every person should use cannabis even though our bodies are built for it, most of the time if someone is lazy and unmotivated chances are they would be the same even if they didn’t use. This war has ruined American life’s for 2 long.

  • fingertap15:

    congratulations! you are the dumbest person on the internet! 😀 That comment was so horrible, everyone that read it is now dumber for reading it, i award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

  • a6lullaby6to6forget:

    Have you lost your mind Diane? I have friends and family who have had problems with drugs in the past, Marijuana. If it were not illegal, they would never have stopped. Once theyde stopped smoking it, they told me how it negatively affected their drive and desire both at home and at work. Who do you think comit most of the property crime?? Get a hobby.