What Am I Looking At?

Question by Bobby: What am I looking at?
I got pulled over and had about 8 grams of weed in the car. The cop said I was arrested but he let me go. On the ticket it says I was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. And that I was released on an ROR. What is that and what am I looking at charges wise and jail time? I’ve never been charged with anything but speeding tickets. I live in Suffolk county of new york state.
I know weed isn’t good an since I’ve been caught I’ve quit and don’t plan to smoke again

Best answer:

Answer by John
Your gonna have to pay a fine. Marijuana is decriminalized in NYS.

Answer by loveless
you’ll just end up paying a fine. they got better things to do then imprison pot smokers.


One Response to “What Am I Looking At?”

  • Greg N:

    It means you were released on your word that you promise to appear in court later.

    The citation or summons he issued you will list the specific charge. I don’t know NY laws, but type in exactly what’s on the citation followed by “New York.” There should be a link to a government site where the penal code or similar statutes are listed. The offense you entered should be specifically listed.

    That same statute should either identify or refer to where to identify the penalty range.

    You may wish to consult with a criminal defense attorney. A consultation isn’t always expensive, and it may be well worth the effort to help put your mind at ease.

    Don’t quit marijuana because you were caught. Quit because you want to. Marijuana has varying effects on people, so I don’t know how difficult it may be for you to quit, but the fear of being caught again with drugs isn’t always enough to overcome stopping the consumption or dealing of the drug. If you don’t actually want to quit after your situation settles down, then you probably won’t, unless you find your contact with the law sufficiently scary enough.