What Is the Best Syringe Gauge for Injecting Pills?

Question by www.stephensg: What is the best syringe gauge for injecting pills?
What gauge of syringe needle is the best for drawing up and injecting pills? one that’s small, but not too small or too big?
What’s the most popular among drug users?

Best answer:

Answer by James
Since the advent of single-use syringes for insulin users, having a “works” has fallen out of style. It’s easier to explain a sterile unopened syringe found in your possession as belonging to a diabetic friend who borrowed your purse or car than a dirty sock containing a soot-covered spoon, cotton ball, and antique glass injection set. So I’m going to guess they are pretty narrow, 28-31 gauge.

Also, it sounds like you’re out of your league since you’re asking about injecting “pills,” so I’m going to add that you can die very quickly if you inject bacteria or particulate matter into your veins, so you might want to consider drinking or sniffing nitrous instead.

Answer by GaryR
Well, you sound like a pretty smart guy, so I’m going to assume you know that only a complete loser and pathetic idiot would even THINK of injecting a pill. You already knew that, though…. right?


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