Why Do People Just Assume a Man Is Gay?

Question by Wanted: Why do people just assume a man is gay?
Just because he acts Feminine and treats girls well. Even because of how their voices sound.
There are gay men who have muscles, low voices, and like sports to.
Yet kids at schools everywhere get teased and called gay because people assume they are just because of the way they look and talk.
Why is this?

Best answer:

Answer by twilight1234
hum idk but u do have a good pont i have a gay friend and he dresses and talks straight and hes athletic i guess they do it to hide sumthing about them or to knock other ppl to make them selves feel better.

Answer by A
Because people associate being gay with being feminine.

Welcome to one of my greatest frustrations.

If you are a man who doesn’t want to seem gay then I recommend voice exercises and change your body movement.


Nov. 19, 2013 5:29 pm
… Sugar Road, Oliver Springs, shortly before 3 p.m. Sunday. Both were charged with the manufacture/deliver/sale/possess a controlled substance (Schedule II drugs), violation of the drug-free school zone law and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Read more on Oak Ridger


Police: 2 caught with drugs near OS schools
… Sugar Road, Oliver Springs, shortly before 3 p.m. Sunday. Both were charged with the manufacture/deliver/sale/possess a controlled substance (Schedule II drugs), violation of the drug-free school zone law and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Read more on Oak Ridger


One Response to “Why Do People Just Assume a Man Is Gay?”

  • Mandy<3:

    My BEST friend acts like that. I’ll tell you why people do this. THEY ARE MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s why!! Cuz they think they can treat gay people like shit! gay peopleeee are awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee