Will I Be Able to Use a Firearm to Hunt With This Record in MO-Tired of Not Having Rights After Working Hard?!?

Question by benny84: Will I be able to use a firearm to hunt with this record in MO-tired of not having rights after working hard?!?
My situation-
basically SIS sentencing for 2 B felonies ran concurrent for possession w/intent in 2004 or Jan 2005 actual sentencing date. Did institution treatment released on 5 yrs probation-completed it. Note: Denied probation, did part of sentence but fought it in MO state court and had judges decisions overturned/granted release (under same conditions as if the sentence wasn’t served/executed.)

About two yrs ago rec’d first offense DUI misdemeanor conviction-did treatment and one of two years probation. Granted early probational release.

Now, as I understand it, I should have a “sealed record” for the drug charge; albeit it is possible to view from public right now.

As I understand it, I still won’t ever be eligible for expungement according to MO state law.

As I understand it, I will have to wait ten yrs after probation to expunge 1st DUI in MO.

Is this correct?
How will this affect inheriting something?
What judicial remedies must I look to look to pursue, and which ones am I eligible for?

Right now I am trying to obtain rights to use a firearm (or something) to hunt–plus I am tired of thinking about this and feeling ostracized.
Your answers are most appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by The Great Quizoo
You have a felony conviction. That means you are barred from owning a firearm. Sentencing has no effect, nor does expungement (if it was even available: you cannot expunge a felony)

Learn to bow hunt.

Your criminal record has nothing to do with inheriting anything, or any other rights

Answer by SFCretired
Benny, from reading your question, you are basically to stupid to be allowed to have any kind of a weapon.


One Response to “Will I Be Able to Use a Firearm to Hunt With This Record in MO-Tired of Not Having Rights After Working Hard?!?”

  • Vinncent:

    >How will this affect inheriting something?

    Forget about getting any guns.

    >Right now I am trying to obtain rights to use a firearm

    Don’t waste your time felons aren’t allowed to own guns (or inherit them) but they can own bows and in some states black powder weapons.