Felony Drug Possession: I Have a Non Extraditable (Sp) Warrent Out of California It Is a Felony What Does That Mean?
Question by leslied: i have a non extraditable (sp) warrent out of california it is a felony what does that mean?
i live in minnesota now and i did not even know i had this. its a possession of a controlled substance. how can i fix this. what does non extraditable mean?
Best answer:
Answer by hpottergobletoffire
Extradition is the process of taking a criminal out of the state or country into another state or country. I will guess that a non extraditable felony means that California wants you, but not enough to take you from Minnisota. Talk to a lawyer. Also, you might not want to go to California ever again. But, overall, talk to a lawyer.
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Non-extradictable means they won’t pay to bring you to California over it.
The word “possession” is a clue. They are saying they caught you with drugs in your possession. You would have noticed if this had occurred, yes? If it wasn’t you, it may have been someone with the same name, or someone saying they were you. It will be hard to fix without a lawyer.
If it was you, just don’t get stopped by police in California until the statute of limitations has expired.