Illegal Drug Possession: Family Court & the “Power of Ten” as Related to Junveniles & Drugs; Could It Work.?
Question by Jack: Family court & the “Power of Ten” as related to Junveniles & Drugs; could it work.?
My question mainly addresses and idea of
“The Power of Ten” as applied to …
Under aged Juveniles,
Felony Drug “Use” or Distribution,
& The family court system.
Would a court fine;
of the parent(s) or their juvenile children in their care; who is convicted of misdemeanor “USE” , “POSSESSION” and or “DISTRIBUTION” of illegal drugs, alcohol & tobacco
be a deterant using the idea of “The Power of Ten”?
1st offence $ 100.00
2nd offence $ 1,000.00
3rd offence $ 10,000.00
If the national court system adopted this would it work?
Would it be a good idea or bad idea? Your serious opinion please!
Best answer:
Answer by upforitupforitupforitupforitru
I think it would be very difficult to make this work.
Most teenagers who are involved with drugs are not concerned about their parents being punished.I think the punishment should applied to the teen not the parent.
What do you think? Answer below!
Illegal Drug Possession: Court Report 06/08/11
HONAKER, Daniel S., 21, Barron, disorderly conduct Jan. 2, $ 267 fine. SOBIE, John C., 40, New Auburn, disorderly conduct/domestic abuse Jan. 6, one year probation, no contact with victim, alcohol/drug assessment, $ 343 fine.
Read more on Leader-Telegram
Illegal Drug Possession: Celebrities write to David Cameron urging decriminalisation of drug possession, but should drugs be legalised?
A HOST of celebrities and three ex-chief constables have signed an open letter urging the PM to decriminalise drug possession.
Read more on Daily Mirror
Related Illegal Drug Possession Information…
You’re making the assumption that parents who’s children are involved in the juvenile justice system are law abiding, pay their bills, and have a clue how to actually parent their children.
The truth is, 90% of the problem with 90% of the kids I work with every day is the parents. They either want to be friends with their children instead of parenting them, or they’re so strict their kids have to act crazy just to get out of the house! Also, many of the kids use/possess/sell drugs because their parents have put them to work. That’s the only life they know.