Illegal Drug Possession: Marijuana??
Question by dewalt87: Marijuana??
Is it illigal in the state of Pennsylvania? And if you turn the person(s) in what will the cops do? Cause my boyfriend told me that if they arrest them they will arrest the other people in the same house that don’t do it, is that true?
Where can I get all the information I need on this subject??
My boyfriend does NOT do it! The other people in the house do.
Best answer:
Answer by jim_daddy_2000
To me pot, cigarettes & beer/wine (not hard stuff) the same. BUT, THAT IS NOT THE LAW
Contains anything you need to know about states current Marijuana Law.
2.Has your relationship or attempts to resolve the “Possession
issue” or “effects on the house or relationship ” gotten to the point that you would use the police to resolve this?
3. Although not mentioned or implied in your question If the “boyfriend” or anyone is selling then, Yes everyone using or not, will be arrested but, probably you’ll not be convicted.
4. If there are children in the house then there is a moral issue above any states law. (even with tobacco.)
Many very enjoyable aspects of life are outdoor sports.
5. Telling on someone is often a short cut or way around an issue you should easily be able to resolve with these people.(unless someone is being hurt or in danger of Harm)
Smoking weed whether good or bad, within Legal right or not. does not give them the right to include someone who doesn’t want to be part of it. (like tobacco)
I will share with you this as “MY WAY” but not advice .
nobody smokes anything in my house.
Our household members are smoking something outside or away from home often. that is their business (none of the people who live here are under 18)
Never around children or when the only adult responsible for children.
I’ve Never used while employed (on the clock)
Selling Pot is felony and a serious crime just about everywhere and nobody would do that in my house no matter what I had to do. (but I would try to resolve it even if I had to leave my own house until it was resolved)
I AM 100% FOR making Marijuana LAWS EXACTLY THE SAME AS CIGARETTES & WINE/BEER. (selling these without permits are very serious crimes too)
Again these are MY Opinions and very likely legal fantasy in this Country (USA),
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don’t be a snitch
It’s only illegal to be in posession of it. Or to be publically intoxicated by it. It’s illegal in all 50 states, I’m pretty sure. And if you turn somebody in, the cops will probably just look around the house. It’s not much of an offense, unless they’re intending on dealing it. Seriously, though, it’s just a little weed, don’t turn somebody in for that.
I would guess it would be illegal in PA, as it is illegal to one degree or another in every state. If you turn him in, it depends on how much he has as to what they will do. If he doesn;t keep that much, they might not even investigate. On the other hand if he keeps alot and/or sells it, then they will arrest him. They might arrest other people in the house if they are in on it, and if they raid the house, they would probably arrest everyone present on “suspicion”, and let those who had nothing to do with anything go, once they have worked out who did what.
Under federal law, weed is illegal anywhere in the U.S. for any purpose, regardless of state law. Also, he’s lying to you to scare you into not turning him in. But if you turn him in, they probably won’t do too much unless you can invite them in and show them the weed or something. Even then its probably just a fine unless its a large amount.
Marijuana is illegal in MOST parts of the world and in ALL the 50 United States. This is because of State, Federal, and International laws and treaties.
Marijuana is a Schedule I (CSA) drug with no medical use and a high potential for abuse.
The issue you ask about is when others in proximity to a person are arrested with the person possessing illegal drugs. This is done through what is termed “constructive possession.” You are in a car and marijuana is located between you, the passenger, and the driver in plainview. You both know its there and you both know it’s illegal.
The same circumstances can be used in a home.
If the police are called concerning illegal drug activity, marijuana or otherwise, they will do what they can based upon the information you provide. Without having probable cause to enter a home, the police are limited to what can be done through citizen complaints.
The term “snitch” is normally employed, because it sounds bad, to prevent law abiding people providing information about those who tend to break the law.
You bet your bottom dollar that if we were all on the road and I was a drunk driver….everyone would be on their cellphones to report a drunk driver to keep others from being killed or injured.
Marijuana is no different than a drunk. They are under the influence of an intoxicant and thus just as dangerous to others.
Best wishes.
I’d probably wait until I was over 18 to start doing Marijuana so you won’t have to ask so many dumb questions.
If you do turn them in, you will lose your boyfriend for sure, and not to mention your self-respect when you get older and realize that marijuana is not that big of a deal. Just mind your own business and try not to ruin too many lives with your meddling.
PS…In response to KC V’s post: being a drunk driver actually puts other people at risk, whereas sitting around the house stoned while playing video games and listening to music harms no one. In other words, they’re not even close to equivalent. But then again, it’s your job NOT to understand that.