Illegal Drug Possession: Question About Drug Possession.?

Question by Lithriel: Question about drug possession.?
I suspect that my roommate’s friend has marijuana on his person when he comes over to my apartment. If he is caught, am I implicated when I have absolutely nothing to do with drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by harry g
the judge will just say ignorance is no excuse

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2 Responses to “Illegal Drug Possession: Question About Drug Possession.?”


    okay and he has a right to privacy and if you dont want him in your home , then ask him not too visit , i mean come on

  • trooper3316:

    There is a legal principle called “constructive possession”. This means if the person is in an area under your control, and you know he has something illegal, you can be charged.

    Of course, if the police came, chances are he would ditch the drugs in your apartment, at which point you would be charged with the possession if the drugs were found.