Other Than the Illegality, What Is Wrong With Taking Drugs?

Question by flyhasitall: Other than the illegality, what is wrong with taking drugs?
Why is it so wrong to deal with emotional pain in such a manner? Don’t people realize that emotional pain can be hinderance to normal functioning, and that in many instances, people who take drugs are quite functional?

I don’t take drugs, mainly because it is illegal and I cannot afford to become addicted. But at the same time, a solution needs to be found for people to be able to EFFECTIVELY deal with their emotional pain, so what is an ATTAINABLE and just as EFFECTIVE alternative?
There are addictions to food, alcohol, sex, gambling, gameboys, computers, etc., and those aren’t being regulated. Why are drugs any different?
“Mind over matter” doesn’t work for everyone.
Professional help isn’t available to everyone. And agencies such as MHMR are so severely understaff they either can’t or won’t give adequate treatment.
cas1025 says, “Unfortunately some people are happier being emotionally numb & miserable and like getting the attention from it, ”

There is nothing that reeks of bull manure than a statement like this one. If I had to choose a worst answer, this would be it.

Some people maybe could be happier (or at least content) being emotionally numb, and in my view, life would be a lot easier, but attention seeking? What a callous thing to say. Talking about minimizing another person’s issues!

Best answer:

Answer by trashy
thats why we have doctors. you see the side effects of meth?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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11 Responses to “Other Than the Illegality, What Is Wrong With Taking Drugs?”

  • alittlepieceoftheworld:

    The problems with drugs is addiction. If you do go to them in emotional crisis, you will get lost in them, and not be able to pull yourself back out. You will feel worse when they wear off than you did before you took them.

    What you should do is make a conscience decision to change your behavior. When you are upset and want to take drugs, or feel the need to find some sort of release, do something completely different, that will be good for your body. Exercise is a great example. The chemicals you body releases during exercise will improve your mood, and really, exercise is good for you. Even though you will hate it at first, making the decision to exercise will soon become your reaction to strong emotional crisis, and you will be a stronger healthier person for it.

    I hope this helps you.

  • patel9552:

    i think that the amount of drugs needed to feel good emotionally is the exact same amount to get hooked. so they is no safe way to do them.

  • F C:

    Legal drugs are a way to help, but a managed way. There is a well defined protocol to treat and hopefully cure the patient. Illegal drugs are unmanaged, just a crutch that leads to addiction in many cases. There’s no known dose or program to follow. People succumb to their effects. Because of the nature of the problem, people using iillegal drugs have little self control. They will go to any means to support the habit. Lots of societal and family problems result from the use of illegal drugs.

  • kimberly k:

    As a recovering addict, I see alot wrong with drugs…drugs only add to the emotional pain. I was diagnosed as bi-polar, manic depressive, and borderline paranoid schizo..the doctor had me 5 different prescriptions for over 2 years…but all I needed to do was to get off all the chemicals, and allow my brain to cleanse itself, which it did, now I don’t take any medications, I believe I am healed, and I’ve been clean and sober for 19 months (one day at a time). The statement you made about not being able to afford to be an addict is bull crap, nobody can afford it, even the rich and famous eventually lose everything they have…if you want to get “high” on anything you’ll find ANYWAY to do it…that’s what we do as addicts. Please becareful when experimenting with chemical substances, it’s extremely dangerous, and very easy to become addicted!!!!

  • TokyoGirl:

    Professional help is the solution. They will prescribe legal drugs if necessary, & try to get to the root of the problems.

    With illegal drugs you run the risk of not only getting addicted & letting the drug ruin your life, but of ruining your health. Many of the drugs (most, actually) will tear apart your system from the inside out, often making the problem worse. People may initially appear to be functional, but as their usage grows, so does the damage to their system. Many will run out of money to get their drugs & will steal from work or family. Others will slowly grow insane as the drugs eat away their already fragile minds.

    Taking drugs will not solve their problem. It will merely slap a temporary band-aid over them. It would be like trying to patch up a victim from a horrible car crash with some bactine & bandages. Initially they may appear to be ok, but as the bleeding progresses & infection sets in, they come closer to death & permanent disability.

  • *ACDC*:

    Nothing really I mean cigarettes are legal and very addictive and just as deadly if not more than a few of the illegal drugs. Same with alcohol. I think it is just other drugs would be less popular if they were legal and hard to tax. The government makes more money out of fines and stuff than they ever would off of taxing a legal item
    Deal with your emotional issues get several hugs from loved ones it is obtainable and very effective.way to deal with emotional pain.

  • Psych_gal:

    Drugs damage your brain as well as carry on any malformations to the following generations unlike food or computers.

    And anyway, why use drugs as a way out? There are so many more positive ways of coping — see a psychologist who will be able to give you better and more effective and less harmful strategies to cope. Avoidance is not a way of coping.

    Good luck!

  • Mandi:

    In taking drugs you disconnect from live. And live is nothing worth if you can not experience it. And this is what Drugs do.
    And here you can read the drug information what does it do. http://www.narconon.com/drug_information.htm

  • KittyKat:

    The problem with drugs is the damage it can do to your liver, brain and other organs. Those can’t be reversed once the damage is done and then tax payers end up having to take care of them and that isn’t fair to the tax payers when people could keep themselves healthy and limit damage to themselves.

    I don’t see anything wrong with someone taking something when they are having emotional problems but only temporarily ~ it should not become a way of life. People need to learn how to deal with emotional problems in their lives rather than trying to hide behind drugs or alcohol which actually only make things worse.

  • samhillesq:

    I’ve done practically every drug that there is and I’m not addicted to any of them, not just in moderation either! You people don’t have any idea what you are talking about! I feel sorry for how ignorant you people are about drugs. It is only illegal if you get caught, and depending on what you get caught with makes all the difference in the world. I have been caught with pot 5 times and never once been charged with it! I even had a judge say to me that “I see when you were arrested you had 14 grams of pot in your possession” I said yes sir, and that was it, I was charged with drunk driving and plead guilty, and that was it. I had a cop find pot on me that I didn’t even know I had in a jacket sleeve pocket and wasn’t charged with it. All drugs should be legal, the only reason they aren’t is because of contract law. If you admit you are a U.S. citizen everything is illegal, if you make them prove you are is a different story. I am an American resident of Kentucky, I live in a Republic where I am the law, the federal government does not tell me what I can and can’t do, they are out of their jurisdiction when it comes to my “person”! Jurisdiction is mine always! A statute is not a law, ask to see the law, when they show you a statute ask to see the contract you signed stating that you will abide by that statute! Drugs are like taxes, the government tells you that you have to pay them and people do, just because someone said so, drugs are illegal because the government said so not because it’s true! Smoke that in your piece pipe.

  • cas1025:

    Brain shrinkage
    Brain cell loss
    Deterioration & holes in the brain
    Permanent nerve damage and loss
    Weak veins and vessels
    Heart problems-angina
    The physical pain of dependency and failure
    Brain Hemmorhage
    Blood clots, or thinning of the blood
    Lung problems if it’s smoked
    Anti-social behavior
    Loss of friendships, family relationships, marriage
    Material loss
    Weight loss. weak bones and cognitive impairment
    Dental problems,

    Debt and financial problems, not to mention those who have addictive tendencies that they would sell/pawn/trade a family heirloom for a fix,

    Loss of identity, personality disorders and changes, mood swings

    Doing and saying things you normally wouldn’t and paying for it later

    Deeper emotional and psychological pain not seen on the surface

    Pain that gets worse over the years that’s needs higher doses to cover because a person tolerance level has gone up over time.



    Just to mention a few,

    **People who seem to function quite well can have many other problems going on that a person cannot see on the surface, and goes unnoticed and untreated physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They can get by for awhile and most people ignore the warning signs and don’t realize how bad it really is usually until AFTER something happens.

    Drugs mask underlying problems and nothing ever goes away by covering it up. You can take a glass jar and bury it in the ground, when you get up in the morning, it’s still there, you just can’t see it. Years from now, it’ll still be right where you left it, no matter how much dirt you use to cover it up. Same with emotional pain and drugs.

    Emotional pain is like any other wound, it needs to heal to go away. When the “med” wears off, the pain comes back. You can only take any kind of drug for pain for so long, pretty so you need to go to the doctor or the dentist. Same with emotional pain, the only way to heal that, is God. But the person has to take it to Him and ask.

    Unfortunately some people are happier being emotionally numb & miserable and like getting the attention from it, positive or negative, more than the idea that they could actually be free of it once and for all because the idea of not knowing what to do with themself, scares them too bad.

    Some people will take any kind of attention they can get. Others have been running from it all their life and “think” there is no other alternative BUT drugs or alcohol to escape pain. That’s why people O.D. and drink themselves into the ground, rather than face pain. Which is not the way to handle any kind of pain or problem.

    Some people just need some effective tools to learn “how” to deal with pain and problems. Once they start facing it and dealing with it and asking for help through counceling, by getting it out in the open, they began to release it little by little and begin to heal from it. It’s kindof like peeling an onion, layer by layer, til you reach the center, the source of where all the pain originated from. There are many effective ways of coping while you heal, but escaping and covering it all back up everyday you’re still alive won’t make it go away. Who wants to live like that??!