About Cocaine?

Question by thenextnirvana: about cocaine?
would a tiny little bit of cocaine be likely to kill anyone?

Best answer:

Answer by hey
no, but it’s likely you’ll become addicted, do a whole lot more, and then die.

Answer by Sam
no it probably wouldnt kill but it would be stupid to do. even thought it wont kill it WILL harm your body and kill brain cells.


Demi Lovato: I needed cocaine every half hour
Singer Demi Lovato revealed her battle with drugs and detailed her past cocaine addiction. Lovato said at her worst she couldn’t go more than 30 minutes wi…


5 Responses to “About Cocaine?”

  • D-man On Demand!:

    Yes!!!…definitely if ingested by someone who has an allergic reaction or a small child that cannot process it as an adult would. Be careful! Can cause seizures & more if taken by a medically vulnerable person. D’n’D

  • am:

    Yes what if you have heart trouble, or some health issue and the adrenline rush irritates a condition you may not even be aware of. If you have panic disorder it could be magnified intensely. Dont mess around with coke it really can kill you.

  • Rose:

    yes, and alot of people have. you can have a serious reaction to it… but all drugs, even those prescibed to you by your doctor, have risks.

  • shane:

    What is a tiny bit? A gram? An eight-ball? A line? Deaths have happened, but it is relatively unlikely. These blanket answers you are receiving are pretty useless. You would need to have a bad medical condition to have deadly consequences. Have you ever had a bunch of Pepsi or Red Bull? Ever run a mile? You’ll probably be fine, then. The worst things about cocaine are that it is overpriced, purity is all over the spectrum, and lying in bed after staying up all night, wishing you could go to sleep are annoying side effects. Otherwise, the stigma is much worse than the reality. There are far more damaging drugs out there, such as ALCOHOL and CIGARETTES. Do some research on erowid.org, or simply look on google for comparisons or factual information about drugs. Otherwise, what you’ll most likely find from cocaine is, “Wow, that is really good for 15 minutes. Lets do another line. Oh no, we’re out. We’ll guys, it’s time to go to sleep.” It isn’t all that exciting. Meth and MDMA (if anyone does that anymore), as well as the “legal drugs,” are more of a threat. The stuff I’ve heard so far sounds like typical crap from people who’ve never tried it, or if they did, they were stupid and took way too much (which is DIFFICULT- your body is good at telling you when you’ve crossed the line and need to take it easy, and that is after taking absurd amounts); the people I know who’ve done it over time have become successful in business and with their families, with no ill long-term affects, as long as moderation was employed. I’ve never met anyone who had difficulty stopping; stoners seem to embrace their drug to a ridiculous degree. Most cocaine users just do it once in a while, partying with friends. If you are smart about it, there are little concerns, aside from the fact that it is illegal and often impure. Honestly, it is the most overhyped and misunderstood drug around. And to the person above, it has nothing to do with adrenaline; it increases dopamine by preventing dopamine reuptake, leaving more dopamine in the synapse. It isn’t all that complicated or unheard of (nothing different than Paxil or other SSRIs do with serotonin, but they are legal and less severe in effect). There are many dangerous things in life; this is just another one. It is a simple cost-to-benefit calculation, and many have found that it has enhanced their lives. Some have probably ruined theirs. I’m sure the same can be said about investing, eating, playing sports, driving cars, owning a dog, or just about anything else.

  • Larry G:

    again, how much is a tiny bit?

    chances are you will not die from it. ive never heard of anyone dying from cocaine from one line. unless it was laced with some serious shi.t

    and you wont become an addict from 1 line. honestly some of these answers wants me to b!tch slap some of you.