Can Someone Survive a Overdose on Cocaine?

Question by MerBear: can someone survive a overdose on cocaine?
so my dad’s brother was taking to the hospital for overdosing on cocaine. all i know is he is bleeding internally ….do you know the chances of his possible survival?

Best answer:

Answer by thomas p

Answer by Kita Marie
Yes, And I hope he’s feeling better.


Nomy – Cocaine (Cover)
Nomy – Cocaine (Cover/Markus Odenbrink)


2 Responses to “Can Someone Survive a Overdose on Cocaine?”

  • MacAllezzy:

    Overdose can be highly fatal but some cases the person survives. Internal hemorrhage can also be controlled if it isn´t very hard.

  • mildred f:

    Cocaine constricts the pumping action of the heart. Eventually drug addicts cannot get over one episode, maybe many years later, or even the first one. He will die of this sometime. You find him on the floor and that’s it. Cold, but true.