Cocaine and Ecg Test?

Question by islandshimmer: Cocaine and Ecg Test?
I used cocaine tonight and I have an ECG test in 3 days. I was wondering if they will know that I’ve been using cocaine and I don’t plan on using it in the next 3 days. I don’t do it often and am kind of worrying.

Best answer:

Answer by Raymond
Cocaine is also known as the business mans drug. Because it takes 72 hours to get out of your system. Do it on Friday and it is out of their system by the time they go back to work on Monday.

You should be in the clear. Drink lot’s of milk and water. Calcium flushes it out of your system fast with the help of water. Don’t worry. You are in the clear.

Good Luck!!!

Answer by Xterraq
An EKG just measures the hearts electrical impulses. It will not show anything else.


One Response to “Cocaine and Ecg Test?”

  • N:

    Cocaine can cause damage to the heart muscle and cause heart attacks. If there is heart damage it may be picked up on EKG.