Cocaine and Infertility?

Question by Jen: Cocaine and infertility?
My boyfriend used to shoot up cocaine in the veins in his hip area. Will that have last effects on his fertility? He hasn’t used in over a year. We haven’t been trying to get pregnant but we haven’t been trying to prevent it either and no pregnancies. Could it be from his past drug use?

Best answer:

Answer by darren m

Answer by VinnyDee
Cocaine in particular has been shown to significantly impact a man’s fertility and even contribute to birth defects in a child. Men who use cocaine have been found to have lower sperm counts, reduced sperm motility, as well as an increase the amount of abnormal sperm. Cocaine use just prior to conceiving has also been associated with birth defects in children.


7 Responses to “Cocaine and Infertility?”

  • mr.shinja:

    I don’t think it would .
    Check in with your doctor about it

  • Jill Banuelos:

    I have been told that stimulants of any kind can affect both a man and womans fertility. I was just told by my Dr. that My diet coke and coffee addiction may be the reason I can’t get pregnant. good luck to ya! And I really hope your sweetie stays clean, Especially if you do get pregnant.

  • shollia:

    I honestly have no idea. BUT he could go in and get a sperm analysis done to see if his sperm are ok.

  • chiquita11:

    i’m not sure of the answer, but you can ask fertility doctors online for free, try
    good luck!

  • ?CleoCATra?:

    Since its been a year, I think he should be OK. But you should definitely talk to your doc for sure.

    Best of luck.

  • L!sa:

    Why are you even trying to have a baby to someone that took drugs? any person that takes drugs is just junkie & low, & causes loads of other problems for the relationship too, why dont you get with someone thats clean instead of a stupid drug addict

  • Liadan:

    Sorry, I’ve got no answer for you but just wanted to say how rude I thought L!sa was.
    You can read in the question that her partner hasn’t used in a year so it’s obvious he’s not a ‘junkie’. You shouldn’t judge people so quickly. Everyone deserves a second chance and just because someone did something stupid in the past doesn’t mean they should be denied a chance to have a family.