Cocaine ? Cocaine ? Cocaine ?

Question by msalex: cocaine ? cocaine ? cocaine ?
i’m doing a heath project about cocaine and how it is cut with different materials, nd can kill you in one line, ect.

my question is, how many lines would a person of 100 pounds and around 5’3 need to feel a high?

how long does the high last?

and what does it feel like?

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
Uh one. And this is not for a health project is it….

Answer by Kat
Well, as an ex -addict(clean for 2 years now and going strong) I can only tell what it can be cut with and what it feels like. Cocaine can be cut with baby laxitive which really sucks it can really upset your stomach and make you fell like you have bad cramps. It can be cut with baking soda which is ok. The best yet the worst that I know of is meth which I personally found to be the most addicting. The way I felt on it was out of control. I just stayed in my room snorting line after line after line. It got to the point were my nose was clogged up and yet I still wanted more. You get paranoid on it. The high only lasts about 10-20 min. depending on what it was cut with and that’s way you always want more. You also get a drip in your throat. Some addict will even lick the bag. They call the “freeze”. When they do that it numbs your tongue. Sometimes it also tastes good again depending on what it was cut with. Well I hope this helps and please please don’t ever never touch the stuff. Trust Me it’s not worth it.


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