Cocaine, Dilated Pupils?

Question by @>*~Be@ut!ful D!$@$ter~*<@: Cocaine, dilated pupils?
What kind of drugs cause dilated pupils? Does Marijuana? What about cocaine? I’m trying to find out if my boyfriend is on cocaine. I dont know how to tell. He does smoke Marijuana frequently. Which doesn’t bother me as much. But the cocaine would be a complete NO-NO. Also any info on Bars would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE give me some ideas how to tell if he’s on either of those….

Best answer:

Answer by janee d
i know that weed dialates them have no idea bout the white stuff

Answer by Meme
Cocaine is bad, weed dialtes pupils, ask yourself these questions…if there yes he’s prob on coke

Is he sniffing more than usual and playing more with his nose?
Does he get mood swings the morning after?
Weed calms you, cocain makes you crazy (is he hyper active)
Is his money going quickly?

If most of these are yes….you may want to discuss it with him or ask him if he minds getting tested. I hope all goes ok for your sake x


3 Responses to “Cocaine, Dilated Pupils?”

  • Mark F:

    Easiest way to test for cocaine use of a partner is with a home test kit which requires a hair sample, they’re only about $ 20 or so for 5 tests.

    That said, testing on a sample of hair they’ve left behind on the bed, say, without their knowledge and consent would be highly unethical and probably illegal.

  • AZ:

    Yes cocaine does dilate your pupils along with LSD, E, Crack and a lot of other substances. Generally when the body is being pleasesed it dilates the pupils, with the exception of opiate substances, (heroin, vicadin etc..) which constrict the pupils. If he is using cocaine many different signs will be evident, like he wont have as much money, his temper wil shortern, his heart beat will speed up when he is under the influence, he will be preoccupied, you will be able to tell that something isn’t right. Believe me, I abused cocaine for around 15years and know that the truth will out. What do you mean by ‘Bars’? How long has he been smoking marijuana? I dont think that this is a bad drug in the right circumstances, but can also be what they call a gateway drug, which means that it leads to use of other substances. Has he become more inclined to spend time with certain friends?
    Talk to me if I can help. AZ

  • 09/21/07 my life changed 4ever:

    tweek would dialate pupils also make him go days without sleeping. it would also make him feel the need to constantly talk or attempt to fix things.