Cocaine in Coke?

Question by Mike C: Cocaine in coke?
Alright, i know this myth has been going around for a long time now. But does anyone know for sure if it is true? Did they ever once upon a time put cocaine in Coca-Cola?

I myself find it hard to believe, considering that hardly anyone even knew what cocaine was untill the 60’s, And word “coca” in coca-cola more than likely just came from the coca plant and not from cocaine.

Though cocaine of course comes from the coca plant I highly doubt they put pure cocaine in coke. More than likely they used the a type of coca leaf concentrate wich contains the cocaine alkaloid. Not really realizing what it truly was.

Anyone have any ideas? OR know the real facts?

Best answer:

Answer by James555
There was once cocaine in coca-cola its true

Answer by LayerWAN
Yes they did at first when Cocaine wasn’t illegal in the U.S. Then they took it off the market. Must have been good times back then.


12 Responses to “Cocaine in Coke?”

  • Laurel J:

    At one point, there really was coca in Coke.

    Cocaine was thought to be a wonder drug by no less a personage than Sigmund Freud. It was considered to have legitimate medical usages for quite some time:


    yes there was once a traceable amount of cocaine in coca-cola

  • The Druid:

    Yes, It is true, Coke was used as a cure all (snake oil) at one time. Cocain or the coca plant has been around for centurys. The process to make cocain is whats new.

  • R H:

    Yes but not as much as the heroin in 7 up, the marijuana in root beer or the hashish that is in orange crush.

  • lastuntakenscreenname:

    Cocaine was pretty well known way before the 60s, but in different forms. Coca-Cola did in fact have cocaine in it at one time.

  • Americo G:

    Cocaine, the coca alkaloid was known before the 60’s (it was isolated en 1856).
    The original formula of Coca Cola indeed contained some amount of cocaine, because this substance was considered medicinale (and Coca Cola was first intended as a medicinal drink).
    Now, it is accepted that Coca Cola uses an extract of coca leaves (coca leaves have many nutrients and alkaloids, cocaine being just one of them).

  • Harley:

    I heard about it too that they used to put cocaine in Coca-Cola. I did find this on though.
    Coca – Cocaine
    Pemberton called for five ounces of coca leaf per gallon of syrup, a significant dose, whereas, in 1891, Candler claimed his formula (altered extensively from Pemberton’s original) contained only a tenth of this amount. Coca Cola did once contain an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per glass, but in 1903 it was removed.[17] Coca Cola still contains coca flavouring.

    After 1904, Coca Cola started using, instead of fresh leaves, “spent” leaves – the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level.[18][19] To this day, Coca Cola uses as an ingredient a cocaine free coca leaf extract prepared at a Stepan Company plant in Maywood, New Jersey.

    In the United States, Stepan Company is the only manufacturing plant authorized by the Federal Government to import and process the coca plant.[20] Stepan laboratory in Maywood, N.J., is the nation’s only legal commercial importer of coca leaves, which it obtains mainly from Peru and, to a lesser extent, Bolivia. Besides producing the coca flavouring agent for Coca Cola, Stepan Company extracts cocaine from the coca leaves, which it sells to Mallinckrodt Inc, a St. Louis pharmaceutical manufacturer that is the only company in the United States licensed to purify cocaine for medicinal use.[21] N.J. Stepan buys about 100 metric tons of dried Peruvian coca leaves each year, said Marco Castillo, spokesman for Peru’s state-owned National Coca Co.

  • kilroymaster:

    It was a lot earlier than the sixties, when they really started putting coke in coke… And believe this or not that was done to keep people comming back to his certain store or chain of stores… And it did go on for a while until if was banned from all soft-drinks….And believe me when I say that they served those tainted soft-drinks to children as well as adults….. And that was done long before the FDA came into existences………….

  • Kat:

    Yes, it’s true. They also sold it for “medicinal purposes”. Old advertising talks about it helping with anxiety and such.

  • handrober:

    Coca leaves( where cocaine comes from) are still used to make coca-cola. The only different is that before they put it in there they extract the cocaine from the leaves so that it isn’t in the leaves when they use them.

  • E. F. Hutton:

    Not a myth, it is true.

  • Pascha:

    It is true, but that was a long time ago. Imagine what they put into the patent medicines in the 1800’s. Some people must have been drugged up and didn’t know why.