Cocaine Question …. Asap!!!! ?
Question by Stacey: Cocaine question …. asap!!!! ?
Ok, if you did cocaine say Wednesday evening, and you rarely do it, about how long do you thinl it’ll stay in your system? Adding to thw equation, you workout, sweat and a lot of water. Do you think by today its out?
Best answer:
Answer by Wynay
It’s very difficult to find how long does cocaine stay in your system. However the major factors that determine how long does cocaine stay in your system are:
The amount of cocaine you consume
The form in which you have consumed cocaine
The intensity level of the cocaine you consumed
The frequency of consumption
The effect of other medicines that you take on a daily basis
Your tolerance limit
Your age
Your sex
Your rate of metabolism
And your state of health
Given the innumerous factors, the time taken by our body to eliminate the traces of cocaine consumed is really unpredictable.
Reports reveal that cocaine stays in your body for around 2-3 days from the day of intake. However that is definitely a misconception. Drug tests generally test for the presence of cocaine and also verify the presence of any metabolite of cocaine. Our human body produces benzoylecgonine as a result of cocaine intake and it’s a well known fact that benzoylecgonine gets retained in the human body for around a month after the intake. Understand that the drug tests verify the presence of benzoylecgonine in our system.
To really understand how long does cocaine stay in your system, consider the following facts
Cocaine is expected to be present in the body for 72 hours since its intake
Cocaine is expected to be detected in your urine for 1-3 days since its intake provided the intake is only once
Habituated use of cocaine results in traces of cocaine being detected in urine for up to 12 weeks.
Cocaine is said to be retained in your hair for a period of 3 months since its intake.
There are also reports available that suggest the presence of cocaine for a time frame of 25 years since its intake.
The state of art drug tests available as on date detect the presence of illegal substances in blood, hair in the urine track and in the urine. Instead of trying to find how long does cocaine stay in our system, its better to opt for detoxes, which help cleaning up cocaine in our system.
To make sure whether the detoxes work, try purchasing a drug testing kit. First take the drug test before using the detoxes. You should test positive here. Then take the detoxifying product and abide by the instructions given on it. Then once again take the drug test and you should test negative
Dave Van Ronk – “Cocaine Blues”