Details Concering Cocaine Use? Needed for Novel?

Question by super-confused: Details concering Cocaine use? Needed for novel?

So, without going in to too much detail, the main character in my novel is a little…troubled. I am wishing to write a scene which involves her taking cocaine.

I am aware that confidence rockets, you feel on top of the world and so on, but I want to be as accurate as possible.

– Is it easy to tell if someone has taken Cocaine? If so, how?
– What happens when you drink alcohol whilst on Cocaine?
– Any specific behaviour?
– With weed, you often say high or stoned, are these the same words used to describe Cocaine use?
– How long does cocaine have an effect on ones body?

And if you have anything else useful, any personal experience, certain situations etc… it would be much appreciated!

Thank you, I want to be as real to life as possible!

Best answer:

Answer by Kg
Hyper activity, fast speech, and fast movement. The effects only last for about 30 minutes. You’ll be able to tell if they’re on cocaine if you are familiar with the drug, otherwise it might be more difficult. Cocaine is incredibly dangerous, but not incredibly mind altering.
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Answer by Shannon Petruchio
1) it is easy to tell if someones taken any drug that they’re not used to, if it’s her first time taking cocaine (especially if it’s bad cocaine) she’ll probably clench and move her jaw around a lot. Pupils get big, (sometimes referred to as ‘pie eyed’) and she’d have more energy than she knew what to do with. Cocaine is a high energy type drug, she’s wouldn’t slur or stumble, she’ll probably feel like she’s wonder woman and constantly be thinking that she wants more cocaine once she’s high.
2) drinking alcohol has very little effect on a person who’s doing cocaine, as she started to come down she would feel the effects of it, but while she’s high she could drink a 2/4 or a quart and not feel it, that doesn’t mean that her body’s not taking the impact, alcohol poisoning is common among people high on coke. The hangover would be bad though.
3) the word ‘stoned’ doesn’t really apply (not by my local slang anyway) but ‘high’ works. Also ‘tweeked’ or ‘tweeking’
4) the actual high can last from 4 to 8 hours but if it was poorly cut coke and she was clenching her jaw that could hurt for days, and muscles, sometimes when high the person is constantly bracing themselves, in which case they’re muscles would be sore the next day, and the nose would feel funny, dry and itchy, there would also be the -clemical’ taste at the back of the mouth.
Just some other slang ‘do a line’ means snort a line of cocain, a coacoa puff is weed laced with cocaine and a ‘key’ is when someone scoops a small amount of coke onto a key and snorts it like that. and ‘8-ball’ is 3 and 1/2 grams and it sells for 250 to 300 (in canada) and a gram is usually 80 -100.
hope this helped.


3 Responses to “Details Concering Cocaine Use? Needed for Novel?”

  • debiclardy:

    People that do cocaine tend to sniff a lot and rub their nose. I don’t know how old your character is, but cocaine tends to be a stimulant for sex.

    I would not use stoned, but high would be okay. Buzzed is better.

    As far as how long the effects last, would depend on the purity of the product and how much she snorts, but 30 to 45 minutes is a safe bet.

    I think drinking would counter the high a bit, but not sure. Cocaine builds you up and liquor tends to bring you down.

  • Jessica:

    If you inject cocaine into your penis, your fingers and lower legs will have to be amputated and your penis will fall off. Just a true, random fact I felt compelled to share for some reason.

  • fifleman:

    My experience:

    Confidence rocketing is a little off for me. The first few lines of blow took away problems, situations, judgments, stereotypes, any walls or barriers between me and everyone else. I could open up about anything to anyone, be intrigued by what they were saying, and downright act like I care. After the first few lines, however, this was nowhere to be found. Confidence? Yeah, right. That shit was never there. The true high took over.

    – Is it easy to tell if someone has taken Cocaine? If so, how?
    For me, people who knew me and of my use could tell if I were high by the size of my pupils. My eyes would literally be black from my pupils dilating. Also, frequent excuses to use the restroom or going to other rooms to do more cocaine was a giveaway for me. With me I would switch between two modes. The first I would listen intently to what another was saying, have a deeply engaging conversation, be happy and joyful to be included, and feel like I was worthwhile in the conversation. When I mentally felt the high start backing down, I would become easily distracted, restless, short, and not interested in what was going on. This is because my mind and body was telling me “dude, where’s the coke?” Frequent sniffing of the nose is a giveaway if the people around know your history.

    – What happens when you drink alcohol whilst on Cocaine?
    Drinking alcohol while using cocaine is another story. Alcohol and cocaine meet in the liver to form cocaethylene, another stimulant said to be 10x more powerful than cocaine itself. The two together are a deadly mix, absolutely way more toxic on the cardiovascular system than just cocaine. Anyways, while using the two together, I once drank roughly 80 beers over four days while doing an ounce of cocaine. Because cocaine stimulates the body, you do not feel the alcohol as much. However, when the cocaine wears off you feel the effects of the alcohol which, at this point, are usually just tiredness. The two combined, however, when used in fairly large amounts, produce a higher level of euphoria and sense of well being.

    – With weed, you often say high or stoned, are these the same words used to describe Cocaine use?
    Buckcherry has a song called “Lit Up” that is about cocaine. The lead singer, Josh Todd, was a cocaine addict back in the day (clean now). Anyways, I encourage you to listen to it and go with the term “lit up”. I’ve always said high, lit, lit up, or geeked out (rarely). Stoned works too. Tweeked/tweeking is referring to meth and definitely not the same.

    – How long does cocaine have an effect on ones body?
    The short term effect of the euphoria, for me, lasted anywhere from 1 minute to an hour off one line. If I hadn’t done any in awhile, one line might go an hour or even two if it’s good blow, but after I had done it for a prolonged period of time continuously, the euphoria was not even a minute, sometimes 5 seconds or not at all. This is what I consider the overdosing stage. People think overdosing results in a hospital visit. If you’ve gotten it to that point than you may be in trouble. I overdosed every time I used cocaine. I would become paranoid, restless, unhappy, depressed, pissed, anxious, and incoherent with my thoughts. Too much cocaine in too short of a time can overload your cardiovascular system and lead to heart-attacks, strokes, embolisms, etc. When you do a line (even after a few hours or few DAYS of using) your mind will say, “do more, that wasn’t enough”. That’s where people OD and die. It’s a powerful drug and will ultimately control you.

    Sorry for my unrefined answer, kind of long and drawn out, but that should help. Cocaine was once a damn good friend of mine, but if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Cocaine was.

    Need any more information let me know.