Did Sam Keller Use Cocaine?

Question by teqawolx: Did Sam Keller use cocaine?
Are allegations that Nebraska QB, Sam Keller, used cocaine while at ASU correct? What evidence supports this claim?

Best answer:

Answer by Chris F
Looks like a cocaine addict
Plays like a cocaine addict
Is a cocaine addict
You do the math

Answer by crusty old fart
It may have been the white powder under his nose that he was telling everybody was a mustache.


One Response to “Did Sam Keller Use Cocaine?”

  • CJ4pres:

    I am an ASU grad and would repectfully suggest that these claims are misguided and who cares if they’re true. Alot of students do silly things, and as long as they don’t become long-standing habits (think: OUR PRESIDENT), then forget about it. The one thing I can say is that we have a great doughnut shop next to the athletic compound – maybe he indulged in some powdered doughnuts – which, in case your still reading, are worse than coke.