Drug Penalties in California?
Question by : drug penalties in california?
i have to do a health project and i need help on this part. its due tomorrow!
Q: research the legal penalties for drug possession in california. compared to other sates, is california more lenient or tough?
Q: research the specific penalties for marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and drinking.
im not asking for people to do the research for me, i just need help finding a site
Best answer:
Answer by viccv
Nobody’s gonna do the research for you. You have a computer. You are fully capable of doing your own research.
Answer by Jack L
seriously WTF, its illegal in California, they’re lenient, and there are lots of penalties, so go do your own research
Despite the fact that polls show Californians want reduced sentences or alternatives to incarceration for most drug-related offenses, the State Legislature isn’t likely to give in right away. However, for your purposes, I have assembled a few sites by Googling “California drug penalties.” Below are only a few. On the first site, start with California Penal Code Section 11100. There are many, many more, and you can do the same with California DUI laws.