Drug Penalties in California?

Question by : drug penalties in california?
i have to do a health project and i need help on this part. its due tomorrow!

Q: research the legal penalties for drug possession in california. compared to other sates, is california more lenient or tough?

Q: research the specific penalties for marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and drinking.

im not asking for people to do the research for me, i just need help finding a site

Best answer:

Answer by viccv
Nobody’s gonna do the research for you. You have a computer. You are fully capable of doing your own research.

Answer by Jack L
seriously WTF, its illegal in California, they’re lenient, and there are lots of penalties, so go do your own research


One Response to “Drug Penalties in California?”

  • Hr?odb?orð:

    Despite the fact that polls show Californians want reduced sentences or alternatives to incarceration for most drug-related offenses, the State Legislature isn’t likely to give in right away. However, for your purposes, I have assembled a few sites by Googling “California drug penalties.” Below are only a few. On the first site, start with California Penal Code Section 11100. There are many, many more, and you can do the same with California DUI laws.