How Can We Trust a President Who Is an Ex Cocaine Addict?

Question by Christian Conservative Patriet: How can we trust a president who is an ex cocaine addict?
Rush Limbaugh had an excellent piece about this.

Rush pointed out how Obama admitted in his TOP secret document called, “Dreams from my father” that Obama used to be a huge cocaine addict.

How can we trust someone who is dishonest and abuses hard drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by Stuart
But the CBO report says the money won’t be enough. The cost to buy private insurance, plus the projected out-of-pocket spending that the 65-year-old would have to pay for medical care in 2022, would total about $ 20,510 per year, according to the CBO, which both Republicans and Democrats rely on to independently evaluate the effects of proposed legislation.

That would leave the senior to pay the difference, an estimated $ 12,510.

By comparison, if the current Medicare program is continued, the CBO estimated that it would cost about $ 14,770 to provide insurance to that same 65-year old in 2022, assuming Congress did not dramatically slash payments to doctors.

That would leave the senior to pay just $ 6,150 out of pocket.

Answer by Jesse
Is this a question about Limbaugh or Obama?


Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood – Cocaine (Live At Crossroads) – Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood – Cocaine.


12 Responses to “How Can We Trust a President Who Is an Ex Cocaine Addict?”

  • Esa Soudbakhsh:

    IF what you say is correct, then you might want to change your sentence to used to abuse hard drugs. He doesn’t anymore, and I don’t see how Obama is dishonest at all. Yes, his words didn’t happen in the end, but now he realizes that it was a bigger task as he thought it would be.

  • ?:

    I don’t know, why did you trust GWB, the coke head?

  • StephenG:

    can we trust romney how cheats, lies and belongs to a cult. NO

  • Phoenix:

    Rush Limbaugh says that the LGBT community is trying to ruin the sanctity of marriage. None of his ex-wives were available for comment.

  • Jasmin finnigan:

    I know you’re a troll and all but how many U.S presidents HAVEN’T been at least cocaine users.

  • Jorge Campos:

    He wasn’t dishonest… On google images one of the first photos of him is him smoking… And prior to being a senator ( which my sister worked with during) he got his act together… Now look at how far he has gone… It should be made into a movie.

  • apollo:


  • Amanda:

    I think he just makes up sh*t just to hear himself talk now…

  • Yesiam:

    So you call him dishonest and yet you believe him when he “admitted” to a cocaine addiction?

    And did you vote for George W. Bush? if so, where was this outrage for the coke parties he hosted as a young man? He also “admitted” to doing coke in college, but that alcohol was a bigger problem for him. Should we believe HIM when he said he was done with all that? Maybe THAT was why he and Cheney classified the always-until-then completely transparent to the public White House Visitors’ Log. Were they having thweir coke dealer come to the White House?

    And why does Rush Limbaugh, a man who was arrested for faking prescriptions for Oxycontin, a man who forced his Latina maid to go score his drugs for him (at one point, he says he was taking 30 Oxys a day) have ANYTHING to say about it? He is the LAST person anyone should be listening to. I’m thinking of moving to Florida just so I can say I was threatened by him and try that “Stand Your Ground” law out they got down there.

    Rush Limbaugh could not do more harm to a truly free and democratic America if he was a paid agent of foreign powers bent on destroying America and all it used to stand for. The fact that you support him makes you one of the Quislings.

  • BekindtoAnimals22:

    Both Bush and Obama were cocaine addicts. Judging from their spending habits, cocaine damages the part of the brain that relates to budgets.

  • Aaron:

    Ha… Rush Limbough was an oxy-contain addict… how can you trust him?