How Can You Tell When Someone Is Using Cocaine?

Question by Julie: How can you tell when someone is using Cocaine?
Let’s just say a close family member of mine has used cocaine many times before. I sometimes get suspicious if they still use coke. But at times I honestly don’t know what to think. Can someone please help me out. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by sal1970
dilated pupils, talkative, restless, runny nose, increased heart rate

Answer by luckychristal123
Short-term cocaine effects are noticeable immediately and although they are not always damaging, in some cases they have caused serious bodily damage and death. Deaths related to cocaine effects are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizures and respiratory failure. * Some of the short-term cocaine effects first time users experience includes increased energy, decreased appetite, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Short-term cocaine effects include:
Increased blood pressure
Constricted blood vessels
Dilated pupils
Mental alertness
Increased energy
Increased heart rate
Decreased appetite
Increased temperature
•Constricted blood vessels.

•Dilated pupils.

•Increased body temperature.

•Increased heart rate.

•Higher blood pressure.


One Response to “How Can You Tell When Someone Is Using Cocaine?”

  • Laissez Faire Capitalist:

    They won’t stop moving. Their hands will move very fast, they’ll be walking around the room, they may do small hops in their steps. They will often keep talking. They may seem a little nervous. I have seen cocaine addicts up close.

    Odds are that he is still doing it, considering that cocaine is highly addictive, and that it gets even worse when you do it multiple times.