How Long Does It Take Emotions to Balance After Quitting Cocaine?
Question by Dream Achiever: How long does it take emotions to balance after quitting cocaine?
I’m a recovering cocaine addict, and I’m wondering how long it will take before my emotions stabilize? I cry about everything and I get depressed sometimes for no reason. I’m told this is what it’s like when people get off cocaine. I’ve been sober for about a month and a half. How long until my emotions stabilize?
Best answer:
Answer by Oklahoma cave monkey
About 6 months give or take.
Answer by Dee
I think it depends on how long you used. Do you have any support, your depression could cause you to relapse. If you really want help, why don’t you look into rehab, that may help you, if you’re trying to stop on your own. Your emotions may not stabilize if you don’t get help, every individual is different. You need to find POSITIVE alternatives to help you cope. Anyway, best of luck to you, hope you get better soon…and by the way, I’ve been there.
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i had severe anxiety and depression when i stopped taking coke. I didnt get over it without anti depressants. you might need to go see a doctor and get something to help you.
A lot lot of addicts i met in hospital (they were on the addictions program) are on antideppressants to help them through.
Good luck
Hey man congratulations on stopping. A hard thing to do, but easy as hell once you get away from it.
It TOTALLY depends on the person with how long before they have “balanced emotions” again. I went out in a blaze of glory, 45 grams in a month (35 in the first two weeks), and when I decided to quit it was because I would do a line and my brain chemistry was already so fucked up I felt just as happy sober. I’ve been depressed in the past month and a half, but not to the point of crying. I’ve had some anxiety along with that depression, but I’ve been trying to keep myself busy.
Hey, on that note, keep yourself busy 🙂 . Do things man. I know if you’re depressed you’re not going to want to, but it helps get your mind off it. I haven’t dealt with the huge depression with crying that some feel after stopping a drug like cocaine, so I’m sorry I can’t empathize with you there. But I do think keeping yourself busy and having a positive mindset is the best way. Think about how shitty is got with cocaine, too. You don’t want to go back 🙂 .
And, lastly, please try your hardest to give it time and see yourself getting better. Don’t try anti-depressants. I’ve done every drug in the world (minus the rarities, so I guess not every) and will NEVER, no matter WHAT fall to anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication NO MATTER my state of mind. I know you can beat it yourself man. You don’t want to be stuck on a fake medication the rest of your life. In all honesty, if you’re going to do that, you might as well start doing cocaine again.
Bottom line man, you’ll see through it. It’ll come around for you. Keep your head up and know that you just kicked the ass of one of the if not THE most addictive drugs out there (heroin, pshhh). Even if you fall back, don’t get down. Nobody is perfect and we are creatures of habit, but I do urge you to stay clean as my life is becoming more rewarding just a month and a half after stopping.
Good luck man, and if you need anything hit me up.