If Crack Cocaine Requires Powder Cocaine to Make It, Why Is It Cheaper?

Question by : If crack cocaine requires powder cocaine to make it, why is it cheaper?
I read that in order to produce crack cocaine, you need powder cocaine. I also read that crack cocaine is cheaper than powder cocaine.
How do you make money of it?
So I have a very simple business question. Why would someone buy powder cocaine, spend the time to cook it and make crack, and then sell it for less than they bought the ingredients for?

Best answer:

Answer by Joe M
It’s because the powder cocaine is diluted with things like gasoline draino and other fun ingredients. It’s watered down, so to speak. You buy a kilo of cocaine, and produce10 kilos of crack – something like that

Answer by Ryan G
I believe because its basically “watered down”, like if you bought a bottle of gatorade and kept watering it down, you can produce larger quantities of less concentrated gatorade.. Not that im experienced in this, thats just what my common sense thinks the answer would be.


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