Is It Possible to Use Powdered Cocaine Casually?
Question by The Intellectual: Is it possible to use powdered cocaine casually?
Is crack cocaine more addictive? Also why is it more expensive.
What happens if I mixed powdered cocaine with alcohol?
Best answer:
Answer by S
From what I understand, crack is cheaper than the powdered form. Hence why there’s lots of crack addicts in poor urban neighborhoods.
Answer by groundingpoint
Cocaine is HIGHLY addictive. Casual use is likely to lead to habitual use.
Most drugs, in their natural form (coca leaves, marijuana, mushrooms, etc) are not nearly as addictive as modified or synthetic substitutes (powdered/crack cocaine, muscle relaxers, pain killers, heroin, etc.). In South America, coca leaves are used in a similar fashion to our use of coffee. The forms of cocaine readily available in the US are the highly addictive forms, and I would recommend staying FAR away from them.
Crack is the cheapest and the most addictive drug. Its different from powder cocaine , its the junk of cocaine. One use to be “hooked up” after only few times .
Real cocaine powder can be used occasionally (with that i mean maybe once a month or less) , without becoming an addict .
P.S. However , i wouldn’t recommend any drug abuse , i have experience with it ,and its ugly.
P.P.S. Also withdrawal syndrome of abstinence after excessive cocaine abuse is very hard for psyche . Cal lead to paranoia ,psychosis and many other disorders that fade away after some time ,but nonetheless are very unpleasant .