Is Obama Historic for Being the First President to Admit to Cocaine Use? Does This Inspire Young Children?

Question by : Is Obama historic for being the first president to admit to cocaine use? Does this inspire young children?
Is that what it means when we hear about Obama’s “historic” presidency? That a cocaine abuser can be president?

Best answer:

Answer by The Blunt Ugly Truth
He only did it when he was in high school, during parties.

MUCH different that George Dumbya Bush, who was a crackhead and drunk up until his mid-40s, and then he “found Jeebus”. Which explains why Republicans like him so much. He’s a moron and druggie, just like them.

Answer by tfoley5000
He never used Coke, but the reason why Conservative hate him because he is the 1st African American President enough for them to play Games, and Ignore the Truth.

The Rights Ignorance and Hate is going higher for them.


3 Responses to “Is Obama Historic for Being the First President to Admit to Cocaine Use? Does This Inspire Young Children?”

  • top of the world ma:

    Obama has admitted to both cocaine and pot use.

    Boston Globe reported from an appearance at a Manchester NH High School:

    “I will confess to you that I was kind of a goof-off in high school as my mom reminded me,” said Obama, who grew up in Hawaii. “You know, I made some bad decisions that I’ve actually written about. You know, got into drinking. I experimented with drugs. There was a whole stretch of time that I didn’t really apply myself a lot. It wasn’t until I got out of high school and went to college that I started realizing, ‘Man, I wasted a lot of time.’ ”

    Obama has written about his drug use in his memoir, “Dreams from My Father.” Mostly he smoked marijuana and drank alcohol, Obama wrote, but occasionally he would snort cocaine when he could afford it.

    Drugs, Obama wrote, were a way he “could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory.”

    By the way it’s likely that Presidents in the post Civil War era through 1930 or so did ingest Cocaine. It was a staple in Patent Medicines, and from 1885 through 1929 an ingredient in Coca Cola.

  • wannaknow:

    And yep….that means you are PERFECT!!!

    No one is….

  • Bub:


    How old are you, ten?

    You won’t get a straight answer, but, you might be surprised if you asked your big sister or brother or mother or father and they gave you the truth about whether or not they did drugs in the past?