Is the Small Amount of Cocaine That Was Present in the Original Coca Cola Formula Considered Dangerous?

Question by Hannah: Is the small amount of cocaine that was present in the original Coca Cola formula considered dangerous?
Is there such thing as a “safe” amount of cocaine?

Was the government justified in banning the use of cocaine in products like Coca Cola and coca wine?

Best answer:

Answer by Sue Whee
No, yes and no.

Answer by ChemTeam
No (back then) and yes (today).




Honey Cocaine’s Be Yourself Vlog


3 Responses to “Is the Small Amount of Cocaine That Was Present in the Original Coca Cola Formula Considered Dangerous?”

  • Rueben:

    It takes less than 1/2 gram of cocaine per day, over the course of 7 1/2 daily uses to become addicted.
    a total of 3 1/4 grams.

    The last cocaine-tainted coke bottles had roughly 3/4 gram of cocaine per bottle.
    That means that if you were to drink a bottle every day, it would take only 10 days, or bottles to start your addiction.

  • Andy T.:

    Its kind of a complex question considering the following when asking about drugs:
    1st u must remember that EVERYONE’S body chemistry is different. Also consider that conditions like enlarged heart, or thyroid disorder and many others could make it very dangerous.. now consider people on perscription meds, u cannot mix certain drugs with certain meds. As well as many other factors to the specific person..
    So to answer your question, in most cases, no, the low level of cocaine that was in coca cola is not too dangerous to a normal healthy person. But at the same time, yes, it could be dangeous depending on disorders, medications, allergies, ect…
    To your second question, this is also dependant on the person ingesting the drug.. however many south american cultures have been chewing the coca plant leaves for an energy source and appetite supressant for thousands of years!
    Also, no the federal government isn’t justified in banning anything considering that our government was set up for the STATES to individually make those types of laws, but we have somehow forgotten this, and the grim facts are that we are losing freedoms to the fed gov, when in fact, they have no right to do so..
    Hope this is helpful to you!

  • Doctorwho:

    “… Also, no the federal government isn’t justified in banning anything considering that our government was set up for the STATES to individually make those types of laws …”

    And we saw what happened … slavery remained legal in the southern states, until the Confederacy was defeated and the federal government banned slavery in all states.